Welcome to the Applied Optics Group at UC Santa Cruz.

The main research theme in our group is single particle optics. We develop new, highly sensitive methods to study single particles with optical methods. We use these and other established techniques to gain new understanding of these particles and light-matter interactions in general. Due to the versatility of optical methods, we can investigate different types of particles.

Our current focus areas are:
• single biomolecules (Integrated Optofluidics)
• single nanomagnets (Nano-magneto-optics)
• single photons (Atomic spectroscopy on a chip)

We are affiliated with the California Institiute for Quantitative Biomedical Research (QB3), the Center for Biomolecular Science and Engineering (CBSE), and the Storage Systems Research Center (SSRC).

Professor Schmidt directs the W.M. Keck Center for Nanoscale Optofluidics whose mission is to incorporate nanoscale features in optofluidic devices to enable new studies of bioparticles and biological processes.

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» Sujung Kim receives her PhD in Electrical Engineering with a thesis on maximizing strong coupling in nanomagnets. Congratulations, Dr. Kim! (August 2024).

» M. Sampad receives his PhD in Electrical Engineering with the thesis "Integrated optofluidic platform for high throughput biomolecule detection and manipulation". Congratulations, Dr. Sampad! (June 2024).

» Prof. Schmidt and Dr. Vahid Ganjalizadeh receive UCSC Innovator of the Year Award (April 2024).

» Article by M.J.N. Sampad et al. on label-free and amplification-free viral RNA quantification using an optofluidic nanopore platform published in PNAS (Press Release) (April 2024).

» "Machine learning at the edge for AI-enabled multiplexed pathogen detection" ranked in the Top 35 downloaded Chemistry papers published in Scientific Reports in 2023! (March 2024).

» Vahid Ganjalizadeh wins the Darrell and Elaine Long Prize in Experimental Engineering for producing the best Ph.D. dissertation in experimental engineering. Congratulations, Vahid! (July 2023).

» Vahid Ganjalizadeh receives his PhD in Electrical Engineering with a thesis on developing new data analysis frameworks for optofluidic biosensing technology. Congratulations, Dr. Ganjalizadeh! (June 2023).

» Article by Tyler Sano et al. on optofluidic distributed feedback dye lasers for multiplexed biosensing applications published in Scientific Reports (October 2023).

» Article by Vahid Ganjalizadeh et al. on adaptive time modulation for multiplexed on-chip particle detection published in Optica (Press Release) (June 2023).

» Article by Vahid Ganjalizadeh et al. on machine learning for AI-enabled multiplexed pathogen detection published in Scientific Reports (Press Release) (March 2023).

» Article by Sujung Kim et al. on the magnetization dynamics of a CoFe/Co2MnSi magnetic bilayer structure published in the Journal of Applied Physics (March 2023).

» Article by Tyler Sano et al. demonstrating a complete lab-on-chip system combining sample preparation, on-chip optofluidic dye laser, and optical detection published in Biosensors (July 2022).

» Article by Vahid Ganjalizadeh et al. on single molecule detection and identification via a fast, custom wavelet analysis technique published in Nature Communications (February 2022).

» NIH funds $13.5 million Center for Live Cell Genomics at UC Santa Cruz with Professor Schmidt as co-principal investigator (Press Release) (September 2021).

» Article by M.J.N Sampad et al. on label-free and amplification-free detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNAs with an optofluidic nanopore sensor published in Biosensors Bioelectronics (August 2021).

» Article by Lexa Stambaugh, Josh Parks, Gopi Meena et al. on multiplex detection of COVID-19 and Flu antigens on a chip published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (Press Release, Coverage: 1, 2, 3) (May 2021).

» Review article on controlling magnetism with acoustic waves published as a Featured Article in Applied Physics Reviews (April 2021).

» Applied Optics student Tyler Sano participates in UC-wide briefing to congressional staffers on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on early career researchers to help inform the provision of relief support to universities. Thank you for your service, Tyler! (February 2021).

» Article by Gopi Meena et al. on ultra-high sensitivity detection of single fluorescent particles using high refractive index liquid-core waveguides published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (January 2021).

» Viewpoint by Cassidy Berk and Holger Schmidt on unprecedently strong coupling between lattice vibrations and quantized spin waves in a nanopatterned structure published in Physics (October 2020).

» Article by Tyler Sano et al. on a pneumatically-tunable distributed feedback dye laser using corrugated sidewalls published in Optics Letters (October 2020).

» Article by Gopi Meena et al. on 3X-multiplexed detection of antibiotic-resistant plasmids with single molecule sensitivity published in Lab on a Chip and selected as an Editor's Pick (October 2020).

» Article by Lexa Stambaugh et al. on amplication-free multiplexed detection of viral hemorrhagic fevers published in IEEE J. Selected Topics Quantum Electronics (September 2020).

» Article by Gopi Meena et al. on 7X-multiplexed detection of nucleic acids for antibiotic-resistant bacterial screening published in Optics Express (September 2020).

» Article by Mike Jaris et al. on the ultrafast magnetization dynamics of nanomagnets excited by surface acoustic waves towards the development of nanoscale straintronic devices published in Physical Review B (June 2020).

» Article by Wei-Gang Yang on focused surface acoustic wave excitation of single nanomagnets for enhanced magneto-optic detection appears as cover article in Applied Physics Letters (May 2020).

» Professor Schmidt is elected Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (Press Release)(December 2019).

» Mahmudur Rahman receives his PhD in Electrical Engineering with a thesis on nanopore optofluidic devices for single molecule analysis. Congratulations, Dr. Rahman! (December 2019).

» Article by Mahmud Rahman et al. on enhancing nanopore detection of single molecules using optical trapping in an optofluidic chip published in Optica (August 2019).

» Article by Mahmud Rahman et al. on single molecule delivery and analysis in a programmable nanopore-optofluidic device published in Nature Communications (Press Release) (August 2019).

» Professor Schmidt receives Engineering Achievement Award from the IEEE Photonics Society for development of optofluidic waveguide technology (Press Release) (July 2019).

» Article by Cassidy Berk on strong coupling between magnons and phonons in a single nanomagnet published in Nature Communications (Press Release) (June 2019).

» Cassidy Berk receives his PhD in Electrical Engineering with a thesis on magnetoelastic dynamics in nanomagnetic metamaterials. Congratulations, Dr. Berk! (May 2019).

» Weigang Yang, Mike Jaris et al, on preferential excitation of a single nanomagnet using magnetoelastic coupling published in Physical Review B (April 2019).

» Article by Cassidy Berk et al on Multi-Pulse Pump-Probe Method for controlling magnetization dynamics published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (February 2019).

» Article by Jennifer Black on single virus detection enhancement with hydrodynamic focusing published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (January 2019).

» Jennifer Black receives her PhD in Electrical Engineering with a thesis on chip-scale optofluidic devices. Congratulations, Dr. Black! (October 2018).

» Article by Mahmud Rahman et al. on single-particle analysis with 2D electro-optical trapping on an integrated optofluidic device published in Optica (October 2018).

» Article by Gopi Meena and Aadhar Jain on integration of sample preparation and single molecule detection on a PDMS chip published in Lab on Chip (October 2018).

» Article by Jennifer Black on velocity-based multiplex detection of single viruses published in Optics Letters (Editor's Pick) (September 2018).

» Article by Alexandra Stambaugh, Joshua Parks et al. on multiplex detection published as Editor's Pick in Biomedical Optics Express (Press release) (August 2018).

» Article by Weigang Yang, Mike Jaris et al. on magneto-elastic excitation of a single nanomagnet published in Physical Review B (June 2018).

» The W.M. Keck Center for Nanoscale Optofluidics hosted a field trip from Westlake Elementary with over 100 fifth grade students learning about electron microscopy and nanoscale science (May 2018).

» Open access review article on optofluidic bioanalysis highlighted on Science Discoveries (February 2018).

» Article by Cassidy Berk et al. on interlayer coupling in magnetic multilayer structures to appear in Applied Physics Letters (January 2018).

» Article by Damla Ozcelik, Aadhar Jain, Alexandra Stambaugh et al. on scalable spatial-spectral multiplexing of single virus detection published in Scientific Reports (Article) (September 2017).

» Article by Yu Yahagi et al. on the optical measurement of damping in nanomagnet arrays using magnetoelastically driven resonances published in the Journal of Physics D (Article), with accompanying viewpoint by A. Berger (March 2017).

» Damla Ozcelik receives her PhD in Electrical Engineering with a thesis on optofluidic devices for multiplex pathogen detection. Congratulations, Dr. Ozcelik! (December 2016).

» Article by Cathy Cai et al. on on-chip genetic cancer biomarker detection to be published in Biomicrofluidics (Article, Press coverage) (December 2016).

» Prof. Schmidt elected Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (link) (December 2016).

» Josh Parks receives his PhD in Electrical Engineering with a thesis on hybrid optofluidic biosensors. Congratulations, Dr. Parks! (November 2016).

» Article by Cassidy Berk et al. on the control of the magnetization dynamics in a nanomagnet array using the pattern geometry published in the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (Article) (November 2016).

» Article by Mike Jaris et al. on the restoration of intrinsic spin dynamics of nanomagnets by dielectric coating published in Applied Physics Letters (Article, Press coverage) (November 2016).

» Article by Josh Parks and Holger Schmidt on new flexible optofluidic platform published in Nature Scientific Reports (Article, Press release) (September 2016).

» Soren Almquist wins Dean's and Chancellor's Awards for his senior thesis on nanomagnet patterning with e-beam lithography. Congratulations, Soren! (June 2016).

From left: Chancellor Blumenthal with Soren Almquist and mentors Prof. Holger Schmidt and Dr. Tom Yuzvinsky.

» Spring Hill School elementary students visit the W.M. Keck Center for Nanoscale Optofluidics to learn about electron microscopy and the nanoscale features of everyday objects (May 2016).

Dr. Tom Yuzvinsky demonstrates the differences between optical and electron microscopy using samples from the students' classrooms.

» Article by Damla Ozcelik, Josh Parks et al. on new optical method for multiplex detection of single viruses published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (Article, Press release) (October 2015).

Also selected as top story by the National Science Foundation on 10/8/15 (link).

» Applied Optics group's multiplex virus detection featured on the NSF Science360 (October 2015).

» Damla Ozcelik wins People's Choice Award for her presentation titled “Accessible Diagnosis: Multiple Virus Identification on an Optofluidic Chip” at the 2nd UCSC Grad Slam. Congratulations, Damla! (April 2016)

» Article by Damla Ozcelik et al. on signal-to-noise enhancement in optical virus detection published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (Article) (January 2016).

» Article by Kaelyn Leake et al. on new integrated multi-particle trap published in Optics Letters (Article) (November 2015).

» Applied Optics group's rapid ebola detection on an optofluidic chip featured on the NIH Director's Blog (October 2015).

» Article by Cathy Cai, Josh Parks et al. on amplification-free direct detection of Ebola viruses on an optofluidic chip published in Nature Scientific Reports (Article, Press release) (September 2015).

Also selected as top story by the National Science Foundation on 9/28/15 (link).

» Kaelyn Leake started her new position as Assistant Professor for Science and Engineering at Sweet Briar College. Congratulations, Kaelyn! (August 2015).

» Josh Parks received a graduate research fellow ship from the Research Mentoring Institute (RMI) of the UCSC Genomics Institute. Congratulations, Josh! (June 2015).

» Kaelyn Leake completed her PhD degree with a thesis on optical particle manipulation on a chip. Congratulations, Kaelyn! (March 2015).

» Prof. Holger Schmidt appointed as Associate Editor for the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (January 2015).

» Shuo Liu receives his PhD thesis in Electrical Engineering with a thesis on single molecule analysis on an electro-opto-fluidic chip. Congratulations, Dr. Liu! (December 2014).

» Article by Shuo Liu et al. on electro-optical analysis of single DNA molecules using a nanopore-gated optofluidic chip published in Chemical Communications Link (January 2015).

» Article by Yu Yahagi et al. on controlling nanomagnet magnetization via magnetoelastic coupling published in Physical Review B. Link (November 2014).

» Article by Josh Parks et al. on integration of active microfluidic control with optofluidic chips published in Biomicrofluidics. Link (September 2014).

» Press release for Sho Liu's work on nanopore-gated single virus detection. Link (August 2014).

» Article by Shuo Liu et al. on correlated electrical and optical analysis using a nanopore-gated optofluidic chip published in Nano Letters. Article (July 2014).

» Kaelyn Leake wins Graduate Division's 2013-14 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Congratulations, Kaelyn! (July 2014).

» Article by Yu Yahagi et al. on dynamic separation of nanomagnet sublattices published in Applied Physics Letters. Article (April 2014).

» Prof. Schmidt elected Fellow of Optical Society of America (link) (January 2014).

» Article by Jennifer Black et al. on atomic cooling via the AC Stark shift published in Optics Letters. Article (January 2014).

» Article by Kaelyn Leake et al. on optical sorting in an optofluidic chip published in Optics Express. Article (December 2013).

» Article by Josh Parks and Cathy Cai et al. on hybrid optofluidic integration published in Lab on Chip. Article (August 2013).

» Prof. Schmidt appointed Narinder Singh Kapany Endowed Chair of Optoelectronics (July 2013).

» Applied Optics group work on infectious disease detection on an optofluidic chip selected as CLEO conference highlight.

» Article by Rebekah Brandt et al. on size-dependent magnetization characteristics of FePt nanostructures accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Physics (May 2013).

» Topical issue on "Lab-on-chip based diagnostics" edited by Timo Mappes and Holger Schmidt published in Journal of Biophotonics. Special Issue (August 2012).

» Article by Rebekah Brandt et al. on influence of inter-grain exchange coupling on dynamics of magnetic storage media published in Journal of Applied Physics. Article (August 2012).

» Article by Damla Ozcelik and Josh Parks et al. on dual core optofluidic sensors with tunable filter section published in Lab on Chip. Article (July 2012).

» Applied Optics grad students Jennifer Black and Josh Parks receive prestigious NSF graduate fellowships. Congratulations!

» Rebekah Brandt receives her PhD thesis in Electrical Engineering with a thesis on tuning the dynamic properties of nanomagnets. Congratulations, Dr. Brandt! (June 2012).

» Reece Fiebich receives B.S. degree in Applied Physics. Congratulations, Reece (June 2012).

» Optofluidics in Space: An upcoming article in Planetary and Space science describes a proposal for a Mars mission that will use optofluidic waveguide technology to search for signs of life on Mars. Article (July 2012).

» Prof. Schmidt wins National Science Foundation grant to explore commercialization of optofluidic technology. Press Release (March 2012).

» Article by Rebekah Brandt et al. on magnetization dynamics of FePt alloys published in Journal of Applied Physics (February 2012)

» Dr. Philip Measor leaves Applied Optics group to start LiquiLume Diagnostics Inc. and develop medical diagnostic devices based on liquid-core waveguide technology. Congratulations, Philip! (January 2012)

» Professor Schmidt's work in Nanoscale Optofluidics and chip-based biosensing featured in EEWeb.com. Article (November 2011)

» Review article by Holger Schmidt and Aaron Hawkins on photonic integration using optofluidics appears in focus issue of Nature Photonics: Article (October 2011)

» Article by Mikhail Rudenko on detection of single ribosomes using solid-state nanopores published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics: Article (August 2011)

» Prof. Schmidt's work highlighted as Featured Engineer on EEWeb.com: Article (June 2011)

» Congratulations to Kavit Kumar for winning a UCSC Undergraduate Research Dean's Award (May 2011).

» Article by Philip Measor on a miniaturized particle manipulation chip published in SPIE Newsroom: Article (March 2011).

» Kavit Kumar and Holger Schmidt at UC LEADS poster symposium in UC Berkeley. Kavit presented a poster on "Portable Pathogen Detection on Mobile Devices" (March 2011).

» Article by Philip Measor liquid-core waveguide based optofluidic filter published in Lab on Chip: Article (January 2011).

» Article by Bin Wu on creating slow light and other quantum interference effects in an atomic spectroscopy chip appears as cover article in Nature Photonics: Article (November 2010)

» Interview with Prof. Schmidt on slow light research appears in Nature Photonics: Interview (November 2010)

» Article by Evan Lunt and Bin Wu on large improvements in hollow-core guiding with a self-aligned fabrication process published in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters: Article (August 2010).

» Article by Matt Holmes, Mikhail Rudenko and Philip Measor on micro/nanopore fabrication in ARROW waveguides published in JM3: Article (April 2010).

» Congratulations to Samantha Downey and Melissa Eberle for winning UCSC Undergraduate Research Dean's and Chancellor's Awards (May 2010).

» Handbook of Optofluidics edited by Aaron Hawkins and Holger Schmidt and published by CRC Press has been released (April 2010).

» Article by Sergei Kuehn on a new active optofluidic particle trap in Lab on Chip: Article (January 2010).

» Article by Philip Measor on multimode mitigation in optofluidic waveguides in Optics Express: Article (December 2009).

» Applied Optics Group develops new on-chip optical particle trap: Official Press Release (June 2009).

»Applied Optics graduate student Kaelyn Leake receives first year QB3 Fellowship (July 2009).

» W.M. Keck Foundation awards $1.5 Million to UCSC team led by Prof. Schmidt to establish Center for Nanoscale Optofluidics: Official Press Release (January 2009).

» Article by Sergei Kühn and Philip Measor on a new type of all-optical trapin Lab on Chip: Article Abstract (May 2009).

» Journal paper by Applied Optics students Mikhail Rudenko and Sergei Kühn on single virus detection on a chip appeared in Biosensors and Bioelectronics: Article Abstract (May 2009).

» Philip Measor wins Outstanding Electrical Engineering Graduate Student Award (April 2009).

Applied Optics Group in the News