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[216] INVITED: SM Saiduzzaman, M. Sampad, Z. Walker, T. Wells, J. Wayment, E.M. Ong, S.T. Seiler, T.D. Yuzvinsky, S.R. Salama, D. Haussler, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Label-free quantification of molecular biomarkers using optical trapping assisted nanopore sensing”, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XXI, SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference, San Diego, August 18-22 (2024).
[215] KEYNOTE: H. Schmidt, “All-in-One Optofluidic System for Molecular Biomarker Analysis”, SelectBio Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics World Congress 2022 Long Beach, December (2022).
[214] INVITED TUTORIAL: H. Schmidt, “Optofluidics for single molecule analysis: From photonic innovation to applications”, European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Porto, Portugal, September 12-16 (2022).
[213] M.C DeMartino, K. Bundy, H. Schmidt, R. Kupke, N. MacDonald, E. Gates, J. Rees, P. Lynam, P. Hinz, R. Jensen-Clem, M.N. Amin, and Z. Weber, “Photonic lanterns and adaptive mode selection”, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, August (2022).
[212] INVITED: H. Schmidt, M. Sampad, SM Saiduzzaman, A.R. Hawkins, Z. Walker, and T. Wells, “Recent advances in waveguide-based optical trapping for molecular biomarker analysis”, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XIX, SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference, San Diego (2022).
[211] INVITED: H. Schmidt, “Optofluidic Sensors for Single SARS-CoV-2 Biomarker Analysis”, Paper JM2E.1, Optica Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, Vancouver July 11-15 (2022).
[210] KEYNOTE: H. Schmidt, “Ultrasensitive Optofluidic Platform for Point-of-Care Molecular Diagnostics”, SelectBio Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics Europe 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 21-22 (2022).
[209] S. Kim, W. Yang, C. Berk, S. Dhuey, S. Cabrini, and H. Schmidt, “Maximizing Strong Magnon-Phonon Coupling in a Single CoFe Nanomagnet”, to be presented at 15th Joint MMM-INTERMAG Conference, New Orleans., LA, January 10-14 (2022).
[208] KEYNOTE: H. Schmidt, “Advanced optofluidic devices for point-of-care molecular diagnostics”, Point-of- Care Diagnostics and Biosensors World Congress 2021, Coronado, CA, December 13-15 (2021).
[207] INVITED: H. Schmidt, “Optofluidic single molecule sensors for SARS-CoV-2 and other diseases”, European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), Rome, Italy, September 13-17 (2021).
[206] INVITED: M. Sampad, H. Zhang, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Trapping-assisted nanopore sensing of molecular biomarkers”, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XVIII, SPIE Optics and Photonics, August 1-5 (2021).
[205] J. Wright, G.G. Meena, H. Schmidt, and A. Hawkins, “Design and Testing of High-Index Liquid-Core Waveguides for Single Particle Sensing”, CLEO Conference, May 9-14 (2021).
[204] M.J.N. Sampad, M.N. Amin, G.G. Meena, A. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Real-Time Bio Particle Flow Analysis Platform Based on FPGA Integrated Optofluidic ARROW Devices”, CLEO Conference, May 9-14 (2021).
[203] H. Zhang, T. Sano, and H. Schmidt “Integration of DFB laser with fluorescence analysis on a single chip”, CLEO Conference, May 9-14 (2021).
[202] M. Amin, V. Ganjalizadeh, M. Hamblin, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Multiplexed single particle sensing in optofluidic sensors using free space excitation”, IEEE Photonics Conference, 28 September – 01 October (2020).
[201] INVITED: H. Schmidt, “Ultrasensitive molecular diagnostics with optofluidic devices”, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 14-17 (2020).
[200] KEYNOTE: H. Schmidt, “Optofluidic systems for on-chip molecular diagnostics”, Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics World Congress 2020, Coronado, CA, September 28-30 (2020).
[199] G. G. Meena, O. Brown, R. Hanson, R.L. Wood, W.G. Pitt, A.T. Woolley, R. Robison, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Multiplexed Detection of Single Antibiotic Drug-Resistant Plasmids using Multimode Interference Waveguide Based Optofluidic Chip”, IEEE Photonics Conference, San Antonio, TX, 29 September – 03 October (2019).
[198] M. Amin, V. Ganjalizadeh, M. Hamblin, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Free Space Excitation in Optofluidic Devices for Single Particle Detection”, IEEE Photonics Conference, San Antonio, TX, 29 September – 03 October (2019).
[197] KEYNOTE: H. Schmidt, “Advanced Single Molecule Analysis on a Chip”, Lab-on-a-chip & Microfluidics Europe 2020, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, September 9-10 (2020).
[196] W. Yang, M. Jaris, and H. Schmidt, “Greatly Enhanced Magnetoelastic Excitation of a Single Nanomagnet by Focusing Surface Acoustic Waves”, 64th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Las Vegas, NV, Nov 4-8 (2019).
[196] KEYNOTE: H. Schmidt, “Chip-scale integration of optical and electrical single molecule analysis”, Point- of-Care Diagnostics, Global Health & Biosensors 2019, Coronado, CA, October 7-9 (2019).
[195] J.A. Black, T. Sano, S. Mitchell and H. Schmidt, “Optofluidic Distributed Feedback Dye Laser Using Corrugated Sidewall Structure”, OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, Burlingame, CA, July 29- August 1 (2019).
[194] KEYNOTE: H. Schmidt, “Optofluidic Labs-on-Chip For Single Molecule Analysis”, Lab-on-a-chip & Microfluidics Europe 2019, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 18-19 (2019).
[193] V. Ganjalizadeh, G.G. Meena, M. Stott, H. Schmidt, and A. Hawkins, “Single Particle Detection Enhancement with Wavelet based Signal Processing Technique”, CLEO Conference, San Jose, May 5-10 (2019).
[192] A. Jain, G.G. Meena, A. Stambaugh, J. Patterson, A. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Optofluidic Platform with Integrated Optical Waveguides and Sample Preparation for Digitized Detection of Nucleic Acid Targets”, CLEO Conference, San Jose, May 5-10 (2019).
[191] M. Rahman, M.A. Stott, Y. Li, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “2D Electro-optical Trapping and Analysis of Single Particles on an Integrated Optofluidic Chip”, IEEE Photonics Conference, 31th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Reston, VA, September 30 - October 4 (2018).
[190] M. Hamblin, T. Downing, S. Anderson, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “A Patternable, Anti-reflective Light Blocking Layer Using a Nano-particle Suspension in Photoresist”, IEEE Photonics Conference, 31th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Reston, VA, September 30 - October 4 (2018).
[189] A. Jain, G.G. Meena, J.W. Parks, A. Stambaugh, J.L. Patterson, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “All-in-one optofluidic platform for differential diagnostics of multiple biomarkers with single molecule sensitivity”, IEEE Photonics Conference, 31th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Reston, VA, September 30 – October 4 (2018).
[188] G.G. Meena, M.A. Stott, O. Brown, R. Robison, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Multimode interference waveguide-based 7X multiplexed detection of nucleic acids for antibiotic-resistant bacterial screening”, IEEE Photonics Conference, 31th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Reston, VA, September 30 - October 4 (2018).
[187] KEYNOTE: H. Schmidt, “Chip-scale integration of optical and electrical single molecule analysis”, Single Cell Analysis Summit, San Diego, CA, October 2-3 (2018).
[186] INVITED: M. Rahman, M. Harrington, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt “Recent progress in waveguide-based on-chip particle trapping and manipulation”, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XV, SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, August 19-23 (2018).
[185] INVITED: H. Schmidt, “Ultrafast magnetoelastic dynamics of single nanomagnets”, Molecular Foundry User Meeting, Berkeley, CA, August 15-16 (2018).
[184] G. Gubbiotti, Y. Weigang, P. Graczyk, S. Dhuey, M. Krawczyk, and H. Schmidt, “Magnonic band structure in a thin permalloy film induced by dynamical coupling with a two dimensional array of Permalloy ellipses”, 23rd International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, Santa Cruz, CA, July 22-27 (2018).
[183] M. Jaris, W. G. Yang, C. R. Berk, and H. Schmidt, “Size-dependent magnetization dynamics of isolated nanomagnets excited by a 1D phononic grating”, 23rd International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, Santa Cruz, CA, July 22-27 (2018).
[182] W. G. Yang, M. Jaris, C. R. Berk, and H. Schmidt, “Preferential ‘cold’ excitation of a single nanomagnet using magneto-elastic coupling”, 23rd International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, Santa Cruz, CA, July 22-27 (2018).
[181] C. Berk, M. Jaris, W. Yang, S. Dhuey, S. Cabrini, and H. Schmidt, “All-Optical Observation of Coherent Magneto-Phonon Polariton Dynamics”, International Conference on Magnetism, San Francisco, CA, July 15- 20 (2018).
[180] M. Stott, V. Ganjalizadeh, M. Olsen, M. Orfila, J. McMurray, E. Hamilton, H. Schmidt, and A. Hawkins, “High Fidelity MMI Excitation Patterns for Optofluidic Multiplexing”, CLEO Conference, San Jose, May 13-18 (2018).
[179] M. Stott, V. Ganjalizadeh, M. Olsen, M. Orfila, J. McMurray, E. Hamilton, H. Schmidt, and A. Hawkins, “High Fidelity MMI Excitation Patterns for Optofluidic Multiplexing”, CLEO Conference, San Jose, May 13-18 (2018).
[178] E. Hamilton, J. Wright, M. Stott, J. Black, H. Schmidt, and A. Hawkins, “3D Hydrodynamic Focusing for Optofluidics Using a Stacked Channel Design”, CLEO Conference, San Jose, May 13-18 (2018).
[177] M. Jaris, P. Pellegren, V. Sokalski, and H. Schmidt, “Magnetization Dynamics and Damping Behavior of Exchange Coupled CoFeB and CoPt Layers”, 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Pittsburgh, PA, November 6-10 (2017).
[176] C. Berk, F. Ganss, M. Albrecht, and H. Schmidt, “All-Optical Study of Exchange Coupling in Fe/Pt(x nm)/FePt Trilayers”, 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Pittsburgh, PA, November 6-10 (2017).
[175] C. Berk, M. Jaris, W. Yang, S. Dhuey, S. Cabrini, and H. Schmidt, “Effect of Edge Mode Precession on Center Mode Damping in Single Nanomagnet”, 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Pittsburgh, PA, November 6-10 (2017).
[174] W. Yang, C. Berk, M. Jaris, D. L. Hibbard-Lubow, and H. Schmidt, “All- Optical Non-Local Magneto- Elastic Excitation of Single Nanomagnet at GHz Frequencies”, 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Pittsburgh, PA, November 6-10 (2017).
[173] M. Jaris, W. Yang, C. Berk, D. L. Hibbard-Lubow, and H. Schmidt, “Ultrafast Spectroscopy of a Single Nanomagnet Magnetoelastically Coupled to Surface Acoustic Waves”, 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Pittsburgh, PA, November 6-10 (2017).
[172] INVITED: H. Schmidt, “Integrated Optofluidic Platform for Single Bioparticle Analysis”, RNA-Seq, Single Cell Analysis & Single Molecule Analysis, San Diego, CA, October 5-6 (2017).
[171] INVITED: M. Rahman, M. Harrington, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt “Trapping-assisted analysis of single particles using integrated nanopores”, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XIV, SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, August 6-10 (2017).
[170] INVITED: H. Schmidt, “Reconfigurable optofluidic platform using lightvalves”, 4th Conference on Optofluidics, EOS Conferences at the World of Photonics Congress (WPC2017), Munich, Germany, June 26-29 (2017).
[169] INVITED: H. Schmidt, “Optofluidic systems for on-chip detection of cancer and infectious disease biomarkers”, The 2nd Annual Liquid Biopsy Summit, San Francisco, CA, June 21-23 (2017).
[168] T. Wall, S. Hammon, E. Hamilton, G. Zacheu, M. Orfila, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, “Preserving optical confinement in unannealed PECVD SiO2 waveguides” CLEO Conference, San Jose, May 14-19 (2017).
[167] D. Ozcelik, M. Stott, J. Parks, A. Jain, A. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Multimodal Multiplexing of Single Virus Detection Using Multi-Mode Interference Waveguides”, CLEO Conference, San Jose, May 14-19 (2017).
[166] M. Rahman, M. Harrington, M. Stott, A. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Single Particle Fluorescence Analysis on Demand on Electro-Optofluidic Chip with Gated Particle Delivery”, CLEO Conference, San Jose, May 14-19 (2017).
[165] K.B. Bywaters, H. Schmidt, W. Vercoutere, D. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins, R.C Quinn, A.S. Burton, and C.P. McKay, “Development of Solid-State Nanopore Technology for Life Detection”, Astrobiology Science Conference, Mesa, AZ, April 24-28 (2017).
[164] INVITED: M. Giraud-Carrier, J.A. Black, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, “Perforated hollow-core optical waveguides for chip-scale spectroscopy and quantum interference”, SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, CA, Jan 28 – Feb 2 (2017).
[163] INVITED: C. Berk, W. Yang, M. Jaris, B. Harteneck, S. Cabrini, and H. Schmidt, “Magneto-phononic nanostructures”, SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, CA, Feb 7-12 (2017).
[162] INVITED: H. Schmidt and A.R. Hawkins, “Tunable optofluidic interference devices for bioanalysis”, IEEE Photonics Conference, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Waikoloa, HI, October 2-6 (2016).
[161] G.G. Meena, D. Ozcelik, M. Stott, T. Wall, R. Robison, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, “MMI waveguide based multispectral detection of nucleic acids for analysis of drug-resistant bacteria”, IEEE Photonics Conference, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Waikoloa, HI, October 2-6 (2016).
[160] J.W. Parks and H. Schmidt, “Optofluidic Chips with Integrated Waveguides and Active Microfluidics for Single Particle Detection”, IEEE Photonics Conference, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Waikoloa, HI, October 2-6 (2016).
[159] M. Rahman, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, “Design and Characterization of Integrated 2D ABEL Trap”, IEEE Photonics Conference, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Waikoloa, HI, October 2-6 (2016).
[158] INVITED: D. Ozcelik, J. Parks, H. Cai, T. Wall, M. Stott, A. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic wavelength division multiplexing for single biomolecule sensing" OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, Vancouver, Canada, July 18-20 (2016).
[157] D. Ozcelik, M.A. Stott, H. Cai, A. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Spatially Multiplexed Bioparticle Detection Using Multi-mode Interference", CLEO Conference, San Jose, CA, June 5-10 (2016).
[156] M. Giraud-Carrier, T.K. Decker, A. Hawkins, J.A. Black, and H. Schmidt, "Perforated Hollow-Core Waveguide Devices for Atomic Spectroscopy with Alkali Vapor", CLEO Conference, San Jose, CA, June 5-10 (2016).
[155] H. Cai, M.A. Stott, D. Ozcelik, A. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "On-chip Wavelength Multiplexing Detection of Cancer DNA Biomarkers in Blood Serum", CLEO Conference, San Jose, CA, June 5-10 (2016).
[154] H. Schmidt, "Hybrid Optofluidic Integration" SPIE Photonics West, Frontiers in Biological Detection: From Nanosensors to Systems, San Francisco, CA February 13-18 (2016).
[153] M. Jaris, A. Shalini, Y. Yahagi, and H. Schmidt, "Gilbert damping in nanoscale arrays of spin -transfer torque magnetic tunnel junctions", 13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, San Diego, CA, January 11-15 (2016).
[152] C. Berk, Y. Yahagi, F. Ganss, M. Albrecht, and H. Schmidt, "Selective Control of Magnetization Precession in Magnetic Multilayers", 13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, San Diego, CA, January 11-15 (2016).
[151] C. Berk, F. Ganss, M. Albrecht, and H. Schmidt, "Effect of Spin Pumping on Magnetization Dynamics in Fe/Pt(x nm)/FePt Multilayers", 13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, San Diego, CA, January 11-15 (2016).
[150] Y. Yahagi, C. Berk, B. Hebler, M. Albrecht, and H. Schmidt, "Enhancement of damping in Ni/TbFe nanomagnets through coupling to elastic eigenmodes", 13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, San Diego, CA, January 11-15 (2016).
[149] Y. Yahagi, B. K. Mahato, M. Jaris, A. Shalini, V. Nikitin, and H. Schmidt, "Size dependence of damping in ion-milled CoFeB/MgO nanomagnet arrays", 13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, San Diego, CA, January 11-15 (2016).
[148] H. Schmidt, "Spin Wave Dynamics of Nano-Magnet Arrays for Spintronic Applications", 46st Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT, January 2-6 (2016).
[147] H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic System for Digital Virus Detection", OSA Optical Biosensors Incubator, Washington, DC, November 8-10 (2015).
[146] H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic Integration for Single Particle Biosensing", 28th IEEE Photonics Conference, Reston, VA, October 4-8 (2015).
[145] K. Leake, M. Olson, D. Ozcelik, A. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Spectrally Reconfigurable Multi-Spot Trap on Optofluidic ARROW Chip", CLEO Conference, San Jose, CA, May 10-15 (2015).
[144] J.W. Parks, H. Cai, T. Wall, M. Stott; R. Chu, E. Hamilton, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Improvement of Silicon Dioxide Ridge Waveguides Using Low Temperature Thermal Annealing", CLEO Conference, San Jose, CA, May 10-15 (2015).
[143] M. Stott, T. Wall, D. Ozcelik, J. Parks, G.G. Meena, E. Hamilton, R. Chu, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Silicate Spin-on-Glass as an Overcoat Layer for SiO2 Ridge Waveguides", CLEO Conference, San Jose, CA, May 10-15 (2015).
[142] KEYNOTE: H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic Integration for Single Nanoparticle Analysis" ASME 4th Annual Global Conference on Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology, Minneapolis, MN, April 19-22 (2015).
[141] INVITED: H. Cai, J.W. Parks, T. Wall, R. Carrion, J. Patterson, R.A. Mathies, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Integrated optofluidics chips for efficient on-chip infectious disease detection" SPIE Photonics West, Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XVII, San Francisco, CA February (2015).
[140] INVITED: Y. Yahagi, B. Harteneck, S. Cabrini, and H. Schmidt, "Control of the magnetization dynamics in patterned nanostructures with magnetoelastic coupling", SPIE Photonics West, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures V, San Francisco, CA February (2015).
[139] INVITED: J.A. Black, M. Giraud-Carrier, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Recent progress in waveguide-based atom photonics", SPIE Photonics West, Slow Light, Fast Light, and Opto-Atomic Precision Metrology VIII, San Francisco, CA, February (2015).
[138] INVITED: A.R. Hawkins, T. Wall, J.W. Parks, and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic Waveguiding for Biomedical Sensing", MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 11/30 - 12/05 (2014).
[137] S. Liu, L. Zempoaltecatl, J. Zhu, J.W. Parks, A. R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Dual-Mode On-Chip Detection of Single λ-DNA Molecules", MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 11/30 –12/05 (2014).
[136] INVITED: K.D. Leake, D. Ozcelik, B.S. Phillips, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Advanced optical particle manipulation on an integrated optofluidic platform", SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, August 17-21 (2014).
[135] INVITED: A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic Integration for Biomolecular Analysis", Tsukuba Nanotechnology Symposium TNS 14, July 25-26, Tokyo, Japan (2014).
[134] INVITED: H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic integration: Past, present, and future", CLEO Conference, San Jose, CA, June 8-13 (2014).
[133] J.W. Parks, L. Zempoaltecatl, R.A. Mathies, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Automated Single Molecule Nucleic Acid Detection with a Waveguide Chip", CLEO Conference, San Jose, CA, June 8- 13 (2014).
[132] H. Cai, J.W. Parks, R. Carrion, L. Zempoaltecatl, J.L. Patterson A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "On- chip detection of clinical Ebola virus RNA using specific DNA binding technique", CLEO Conference, San Jose, CA, June 8-13 (2014).
[131] S. Liu, L. Wright, J.W. Parks, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "On-chip Opto-electrical Discrimination of Single Biological Nanoparticles", CLEO Conference, San Jose, CA, June 8-13 (2014).
[130] Y. Yahagi, B. Harteneck, S. Cabrini, and H. Schmidt, "Magnetoelastic coupling of the magnetization dynamics and surface acoustic waves in nickel nanomagnet arrays", INTERMAG conference, Dresden, Germany, May 5-8 (2014).
[129] INVITED: A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Atom photonics on a chip", to be presented at META 14, Singapore, May 20-23 (2014).
[128] INVITED: H. Cai, J.W. Parks, T. Wall, K. Leake, T. Yuzvinsky, J. Kim, R. Carrion, J. Patterson, R.A. Mathies, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Integrated optofluidics for on-chip biological sample preparation and analysis", SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, CA, Feb 2-6 (2014).
[127] INVITED: H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic integration for single-particle analysis", (FiO)/Laser Science, XXIX Conference, Orlando, FL, October (2013).
[126] INVITED: L. Zempoaltecatl, H. Schmidt, and A. Hawkins, "Design and fabrication of silicon-based optofluidic waveguide platforms", SPIE Photonics, San Diego, CA, August 25-29 (2013).
[125] INVITED: H. Schmidt, "Hybrid optofluidic integration ", SPIE Photonics, San Diego, CA, August (2013).
[124] P. Measor, L. Zempoaltecatl, J. Parks, S. Naccache, S. Miller, C. Chiu, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Clinical Detection of Viral Infection on an Optofluidic Chip", CLEO Conference, San Jose CA, June 9-14 (2013).
[123] S. Liu, Y. Zhao, A.R. Hakwins, and H. Schmidt, "Correlated Optical and Electrical Detection of Single Nanoparticles on a Nanopore-Optofluidic Chip", CLEO Conference, San Jose CA, June 9-14 (2013).
[122] J. Parks, D. Ozcelik, H. Cai, J. Kim, L. Zempoaltecatl, R. Mathies, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Hybrid Optofluidic Device for Fluidic Particle Manipulation and Detection", CLEO Conference, San Jose CA, June 9-14 (2013).
[121] D. Ozcelik, J. Parks, L. Zempoaltecatl, K. Leake, J. Black, Y. Lim, A.R. Hakwins, and H. Schmidt, "High Sensitivity Fluorescence Detection with Multi-spot Excitation Using Y-splitters", CLEO Conference, San Jose CA, June 9-14 (2013).
[120] M. Giraud-Carrier, J. Black, J. Hulbert, T. Wall, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "High Longevity Rubidium Packaging Method Suitable for Integrated Optics", CLEO Conference, San Jose CA, June 9-14 (2013).
[119] INVITED: H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic platform for particle analysis and manipulation", EOSOF 13, World of Photonics Congress, München, Germany, May 13-16 (2013).
[118] INVITED: H. Schmidt, "Molecular diagnostics with optofluidic platform", (FiO)/Laser Science XXVIII Conference, Rochester, NY, October (2012).
[117] INVITED: H. Schmidt, " Nanoscale Optofluidics", IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting, Burlingame CA, September (2012).
[116] INVITED: H. Schmidt, "Hollow-core Photonics for Optofluidics and Atom Photonics", CLEO/QELS conference, San Jose CA, May 6-11 (2012).
[115] D. Ozcelik, B.S. Phillips, P. Measor, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Independent Particle Detection and Tunable Spectral Filtering on Optofluidic Chip" CLEO/QELS conference, San Jose CA, May 6- 11 (2012).
[114] INVITED: A.R. Hawkins, and H Schmidt, "Optofluidic Waveguide Development for High Sensitivity Bioparticle Detection", SLAS Conference, San Diego, February 4-8 (2012).
[113] K.D. Leake, S. Mascharak, P. Measor, B.S. Philips, A.R. Hawkins, P. Mascharak, and H. Schmidt, "Manipulation, Trapping, and SERS Detection of Nanoparticle-Coated Microspheres in Optofluidic Waveguides", SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, CA, January (2012).
[112] INVITED: H. Schmidt, "Enhanced light-matter interactions by controlling external degrees of freedom on a photonic chip", 42nd Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT, January 2-6 (2012).
[111] INVITED: Z. Liu, R. Brandt, Y. Yahagi, B. Hansen, B.D. Harteneck, J. Bokor, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Breaking the diffraction limit dynamically: Optical observation of single nanomagnet dynamics in dense arrays", 56th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Scottsdale, AZ, 10/31-11/3 (2011).
[110] R. Brandt, F. Ganss, T. Senn, M. Albrecht, and H. Schmidt, "Frequency tuning of ultrafast
magnetization oscillations by varying the iron content of FePt alloys", 56th Annual Conference on
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Scottsdale, AZ, 10/31-11/3 (2011).
[109] R. Brandt, C. Brombacher, D. Gilbert, P. Krone, F. Ganss, T. Senn, K. Liu, M. Albrecht, and H.
Schmidt, "Shape dependent magnetization dynamics in single FePt nanomagnets", 56th Annual
Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Scottsdale, AZ, 10/31-11/3 (2011).
[108] H. Schmidt, "Ultrasensitive detection with planar optofluidic systems", Invited talk, NANO-DDS conference,
Brooklyn, NY, August (2011).
[107] H. Schmidt, "Planar Optofluidics in biosensing applications", Invited talk, Special Symposium on Bio-
medical Sensors, OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, Toronto, Canada, June 12-15 (2011).
[106] B. Wu, J.F. Hulbert, K. Hurd, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Chip-scale platform for
quantum interference based slow light in atoms", Invited talk, OSA Slow Light Conference, Toronto, Canada,
June (2011).
[105] H. Schmidt and A.R. Hawkins, "All-optical particle trap using two orthogonally intersecting beams",
CLEO/QELS conference, Baltimore, MD, (2011).
[104] K.D. Leake, B.S. Philips, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Sized-Based Optical Particle Sorting Using
an Orthogonal Beam in Optofluidic Waveguides", CLEO/QELS conference, Baltimore, MD, (2011).
[103] Y. Zhao, M. Jenkins, K. Leake, S. Liu, P. Measor, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Optofluidic
Waveguides with Ta2O5 Cladding Layers and Low Photoluminescence", CLEO/QELS conference,
Baltimore, MD, (2011).
[102] P. Measor, M.I. Rudenko, A. Chen, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Philips, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt,
"Liquid-core waveguide based optofluidics", Invited talk, IEEE Winter Topicals, Keystone CO, Jan 10-12 (2011).
[101] H. Schmidt, "Slow light and EIT on a hollow-core waveguide spectroscopy chip", Invited talk, 41st
Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT, January 2-6 (2011).
[100] B. Wu. J. F. Hulbert, K. Hurd, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Slow light and EIT in
atomic spectroscopy chips", Invited talk, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 22-27, 2011.
[99] R. Brandt, C. Brombacher, P. Krone, Y. Yahagi, D. Makarov, M. Albrecht, and H. Schmidt,
"Magnetization dynamics of FePt alloy caps on isolated spherical particles", 55th Annual Conference
on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Atlanta, GA, November 14-18, (2010).
[98] P. Measor, B.S. Philips, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Liquid-core waveguide filter for optofluidic
biosensing", EOS Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2010) Paris, France, October 26-29,
Paris, France, (2010).
[97] P. Measor, B.S. Philips, E.J. Lunt, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Single-Particle Spectroscopy and Manipulation in Optofluidic Devices", Frontiers in Optics (FiO)/Laser Science XXVI (LS) Conference, Rochester, NY , October 24-28 (2010).
[96] Z. Liu, R. Brandt, Y. Yahagi, O. Hellwig, S. Florez, B. Terris, and H. Schmidt, "Magneto-Optical Study Of Ultrafast Dynamics In Multilayer Co/Pd Bit Patterned Media", IEEE 7th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers, Berkeley, CA, September 19-24, (2010).
[95] R.Brandt, P. Krone, D. Makarov, Z. Liu, Y. Yahagi, T. Strache, D. Ball, K. Lenz, J. Fassbender, M.
Albrecht, and H. Schmidt, "Effect Of Co+ Irradiation On The Magnetization Dynamics Of CoCrPt Granular Media", IEEE 7th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers, Berkeley, CA, September 19-24, (2010).
[94] H. Schmidt, "Optical particle manipulation using liquid-core optofluidic waveguides", SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, CA, August 1-5 (2010).
[] B.S. Phillips, J. Keeley, M. Rudenko, K. Leake, P. Measor, A. Chen, S. Liu, E. Lunt, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Optimizing ARROW Transitions by Selective Deposition of Thin Films",Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics (IPR), Monterey, CA, July 25-28, (2010).
[93] M. Rudenko, M.R. Holmes, P. Measor, D.W. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Planar Electro-Optofluidic Chip: Integration of Nanopore with Optofluidics", CLEO, CLEO/QELS conference, San Jose, CA, May 16-21, (2010).
[92] A. Chen, M. Rudenko, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Philips, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Dual-color Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy on an Integrated Optofluidic Chip ", CLEO, CLEO/QELS conference, San Jose, CA, May 16-21, (2010).
[91] E.J. Lunt, B.S. Phillips, J. Keeley, A.R. Hawkins, P. Measor, B. Wu, and H. Schmidt, "Hollow ARROW
Waveguides on Self-Aligned Pedestals for High-Sensitivity Fluorescence Sensing", Photonics West,
San Jose, CA, January 24-29, 2010.
[90] A. Chen, P. Measor, E.J. Lunt, B. S. Phillips, A. R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Planar FRET detection
from biomolecules on an optofluidic chip", Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 24-29, 2010.
[89] B.S. Phillips, Y. Zhao, P. Measor, H. Schmidt, A.R. Hawkins, "Selective Deposition of Thin Films for
Integrated Notch Filters in Optofluidic Sensors", OSA 93rd Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, October
12-16, 2009.
[88] H. Schmidt, "Particle manipulation, trapping, and analysis on planar optofluidic chips", 3rd
EOS conference on Optical Microsystems, Capri, Italy, September 27-30, 2009.
[81] P. Measor, B.S. Phillips, Y. Zhao, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Selectively Patterned Notch Filter Waveguides for Optofluidic Biosensors", Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA) Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 12-17, (2009).
[80] B. Wu, J. Hulbert, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "EIT in an integrated Rb vapor cell", OSA Summer Topical Meeting, Nonlinear Optics, Honolulu, HI, July 12-17, (2009).
[79] P. Measor, S. Kühn, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Phillips, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic Platform Advancements for Optical Particle Manipulation", CLEO/QELS conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1-6, (2009).
[78] S. Kühn, P. Measor, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Phillips, D.W. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Active Trapping of Individual Particles on an Optofluidic Analysis Platform", CLEO/QELS conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1-6, (2009).
[77] Z. Liu, R. Brandt, R. Dumas, C. Li, I. Schuller, K. Liu, and H. Schmidt, "Static and dynamic properties of sub-100 nm Fe nanodot arrays", INTERMAG conference, Sacramento, CA, May 4-8 (2009).
[76] Z. Liu, R. Brandt, B. Hansen, B. Harteneck, S. Cabrini, A.R. Hawkins, J. Bokor, and H. Schmidt, "Detecting single nanomagnet dynamics in varying magnetostatic environments", INTERMAG conference, Sacramento, CA, May 4-8 (2009).
[75] H. Schmidt, "Atomic spectroscopy on a chip using hollow-core waveguides", Invited Talk, Second Workshop on Integrated Atomic Systems (IAS), Seattle, WA, February 18-19, 2009.
[74] H. Schmidt, "All-optical particle detection and control on an optofluidic chip", Invited Talk, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 27, 2009.
[73] H. Schmidt, "Atomic spectroscopy and quantum interference on a chip", Invited Talk, 39th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT, Jan 4-8, 2009.
[72] H. Schmidt, S. Kühn, P. Measor, M.I. Rudenko, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Philips, and A.R. Hawkins, "Silicon-based Planar Optofluidics for Single Particle Analysis", Invited Talk, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Dec 1-5, 2008.
[71] Z. Liu, O. Hellwig, B. Terris, and H. Schmidt, "Magneto-optical measurement of spin dynamics in perpendicular anisotropy Co/Pd multilayers with varying Co layer thickness", 53rd Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Austin, TX, Nov 10-14, 2008.
[70] Z. Liu, R. Brandt, B. Harteneck, B. Hansen, S. Cabrini, J. Bokor, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Detecting dynamic magnetic information beyond the optical spatial resolution in a Ni nanomagnet array", 53rd Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Austin, TX, Nov 10-14, 2008.
[69] H. Schmidt, "Atomic spectroscopy and quantum interference in on-chip hollow-core waveguides", Invited Talk, 92st Annual Meeting of the OSA, Rochester, NY, Oct 19-23, 2008.
[68] S. Kühn, P. Measor, E.J. Lunt, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Particle manipulation with integrated optofluidic traps", Invited Talk, IEEE Summer Topical Meeting, Acapulco MX, July 21-23, 2008.
[67] P. Measor, E.J. Lunt, C. Jones, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Characterization of Optofluidic ARROW rejection Filter Devices", IEEE Summer Topical Meeting, Acapulco MX, July 21-23, 2008.
[66] M.I. Rudenko, S. Kühn, P. Measor, E.J. Lunt, D.W. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Single Virus detection using integrated optofluidics", IEEE Summer Topical Meeting, Acapulco MX, July 21-23, 2008.
[65] H. Schmidt, S. Kühn, M.I. Rudenko, D.W. Deamer, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Phillips, and A.R. Hawkins, "Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy of single
molecules on an optofluidic chip", Invited Talk, Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 24, 2008.
[64] A.R. Hawkins, J.F. Hulbert, B.T. Carroll, B. Wu, and H. Schmidt, "Fabrication methods for compact atomic spectroscopy", Invited Talk, Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 24, 2008.
[63] J.F. Hulbert, B.T. Carroll, A.R. Hawkins, B. Wu, and H. Schmidt, "Sealing techniques for on-chip atomic vapor cells", Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 22, 2008.
[62] E.J. Lunt, B.S. Phillips, C.J. Jones, A.R. Hawkins, P. Measor, S. Kühn, and H. Schmidt, "Hollow waveguide optimization for fluorescence based detection", Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 22, 2008.
[61] H. Schmidt, B. Wu, J.F. Hulbert, and A.R. Hawkins, "Quantum interference effects in rubidium vapor on a chip", Invited Talk, Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 22, 2008.
[60] H. Schmidt, ""Femtosecond pump-probe dynamics on single magnetic nanostructures", Invited talk, Dreikoenigstreffen Magnetismus 08, New concepts in spin dynamics, Bad Honnef, Germany, Jan 7-9, 2008.
[59] H. Schmidt, A. Barman, S. Wang, J. Maas, A.R. Hawkins, S. Kwon and J. Bokor, "Magneto-optical observation of picosecond dynamics in single nanomagnets", Invited Talk, Symposium on "Magnetization dynamics in nanomagnets", 52nd MMM Conference, Tampa, FL, Nov 5-9, 2007.
[58] H. Schmidt, S. Kühn, E.J. Lunt, M.I. Rudenko, P. Measor, B.S. Philips, D.W. Deamer, and A.R. Hawkins, "Planar optofluidics for single molecule analysis", Invited talk, IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Oct 21-25, 2007.
[57] P. Measor, S. Kühn, H. Schmidt, E.J. Lunt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Loss Determination of Hollow-core Waveguides by Optically-induced Particle Transport", 91st Annual Meeting of the OSA, San Jose, CA, Sep 16-20, 2007.
[56] S. Kühn, P. Measor, H. Schmidt, E.J. Lunt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Two-beam optical trap in a waveguide", 91st Annual Meeting of the OSA, San Jose, CA, Sep 16-20, 2007.
[55] D. Deamer, H. Schmidt, and A. Hawkins, "A nanopore-ARROW biosensor for life detection", Invited talk, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego CA, Aug 26-30, 2007.
[54] H. Schmidt, W.Yang, B. Wu, D. Conkey, J. Hulbert, A.R. Hawkins, "Saturation absorption spectroscopy in an integrated rubidium vapor cell", OSA Summer Topical Meeting: Nonlinear Optics, Kona HI, July 30 - Aug 3, 2007.
[53] H. Schmidt, "Integrated semiconductor chips for EIT", Invited talk, CLEO/QELS conference, Baltimore, MD, May 6-11, 2007.
[52] M.I. Rudenko, D. Yin, E.J. Lunt, B. Phillips, A. R. Hawkins, D.W. Deamer, and H. Schmidt , "Virus Detection on a Planar Optofluidic chip", CLEO/QELS conference, Baltimore, MD, May 6-11, 2007.
[51] H. Schmidt, W. Yang, B. Wu, D. Yin, D.B. Conkey, J. Hulbert, and A.R. Hawkins, "Rubidium spectroscopy on a chip", Invited talk, Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 21-25, 2007.
[50] M.I. Rudenko, D. Yin, M. Holmes, A.R. Hawkins, and H.Schmidt, "Integration and characterization of SiN nanopores for single-molecule detection in liquid-core ARROW waveguides", Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 21-25, 2007.
[49] U. Hakanson, P. Measor, D. Yin, E. Lunt, A. R. Hawkins, V. Sandoghdar, and H. Schmidt, "Tailoring the transmission of liquid-core waveguides for wavelength filtering on a chip", Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 21-25, 2007.
[48] D.B. Conkey, R.L. Brenning, A.R. Hawkins, W. Yang, B. Wu, and H. Schmidt, "Microfabrication of Integrated Atomic Vapor Cells", Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 21-25, 2007.
[47] A.R. Hawkins, E.J. Lunt, M.R. Holmes, B.S. Phillips, D. Yin, M. Rudenko, B. Wu, H. Schmidt, "Advances in integrated hollow waveguides for on-chip sensors", Invited talk, Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 21-25, 2007.
[46]A. Barman, S.Wang, J. Maas, A.R. Hawkins, S. Kwon and H. Schmidt, "Size (aspect ratio) dependent damping of precessional dynamics in individual single domain nanomagnets", 10th Joint Intermag/MMM Conference, Baltimore, MD, Jan 7-11 (2007).
[45] S.Wang, A. Barman, J. Maas, A.R. Hawkins, S. Kwon and H. Schmidt, "Demonstration of ultra-high MOKE sensitivity for nanomagneto- optics using dual layer nanofabrication process", 10th Joint Intermag/MMM Conference, Baltimore, MD, Jan 7-11 (2007).
[44] A. Barman, S.Wang, O. Hellwig, E. Dobisz, D. Kercher, E. Fullerton and H. Schmidt, "Size dependent precessional dynamics in [Co/Pd]8 patterned nanomagnet arrays", 10th Joint Intermag/MMM Conference, Baltimore, MD, Jan 7-11 (2007).
[43] A. Barman, S.Wang, O. Hellwig, A. Berger, E. Fullerton and H. Schmidt, "Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in high perpendicular anisotropy [Co/Pt]n multilayers.", 10th Joint Intermag/MMM Conference, Baltimore, MD, Jan 7-11 (2007).
[42] S.Wang, A. Barman, J. Maas, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Thickness dependence of ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Nickel films", 10th Joint Intermag/MMM Conference, Baltimore, MD, Jan 7-11 (2007).
[41] N.P. Kobayashi, S-Y. Wang, X. Li, R.S. Williams, S. Wang, and H. Schmidt, "Indium phosphide nano-structures on hydrogenated silicon formed on metallic and dielectric substrates", IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, presentation NM034, Geongju, Korea, October 22-25, 2006.
[40] D. Yin, J.P. Barber, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy of single molecules on a chip", Frontiers in Optics 2006/Laser Science XXII conferences, 90th Annual Meeting of the OSA, Rochester NY, October 8-12, 2006.
[39] W. Yang, D. Yin, B. Wu, D.B. Conkey, E.J. Lunt, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Monolithically integrated atomic vapor cell for quantum optics on a chip", Frontiers in Optics 2006/Laser Science XXII conferences, 90th Annual Meeting of the OSA, Rochester NY, October 8-12, 2006.
[38] W. Yang, H. Schmidt, A. Joshi, and M. Xiao, "Single-photon all-optical switching by use of coupled microring resonators", Frontiers in Optics 2006/Laser Science XXII conferences, 90th Annual Meeting of the OSA, Rochester NY, October 8-12, 2006.
[37] H. Schmidt, A. Shakouri, M.S. Isaacson, and S.M. Kang, "Roles of bioelectronics for quality of life", Invited Talk, 32nd European Solid-state circuits conference, Montreux, Switzerland, September 18-22, 2006.
[36] H. Schmidt, D. Yin, P. Measor, J. barber, E. Lunt, and A. Hawkins, "Single-molecule optofluidics using liquid-core ARROW waveguides, Invited Talk, IEEE LEOS Summer Topical Meeting on Optofluidics: Emerging technologies and applications", Quebec City, CA, July 17-19, 2006.
[35] A. Barman, S. Wang, N. Qureshi, M. Lowther, A.R. Hawkins, S. Kwon, A. Liddle, J. Bokor, and H. Schmidt, "Femtosecond laser induced magnetization dynamics in single Ni nanomagnets", INTERMAG conference, San Diego, CA, May 8-12, 2006.
[34] D. Yin, J.P. Barber, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Single Molecule Sensitivity and Electrically Controlled Fluorescence Detection in Integrated Planar ARROW Waveguides", CLEO/QELS conference, Long Beach, CA, May 21-26, 2006.
[33] P. Measor, D. Yin, J.P. Barber, L. Seballos, J. Zhang, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Integrated liquid-core ARROW Waveguides for surface-enhanced Raman scattering", CLEO/QELS conference, Long Beach, CA, May 21-26, 2006.
[32] A. Barman, S. Wang, A. Berger, and H. Schmidt, "Laser induced ultrafast magnetization dynamics in CoPt multilayer", APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 13-17, 2006.
[31] D. Yin, J. Barber, E. Lunt, D. Ermolenko, H. Noller, A. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Planar single-molecule sensors based on hollow-core ARROW waveguides", Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 21-26, 2006.
[30] H. Schmidt, D. Yin, W. Yang, B. Wu, D. Conkey, J. Barber, and A. Hawkins, "Towards integration of quantum interference in alkali atoms on a chip", Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA, Jan 21-26, 2006.
[29] S. Wang, N. Qureshi, M. Lowther, A. Hawkins, S. Kwon, A. Liddle, J. Bokor, and H. Schmidt, "Optimization of cavity enhancement for magnetooptic studies of nanomagnets", 50th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Jose, CA, Oct 30 - Nov 3, 2005.
[28] D. Yin, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Design of Integrated Hollow-Core Waveguides for EIT on a Chip", Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference, Optical Society of America, Tucson, AZ, October 16-20 (2005).
[27] Z. Bian, Y. Zhang, H. Schmidt, and A. Shakouri, "Thin-film ZT characterization using transient Harman technique", 24th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Clemson, SC, June 19-23, (2005).
[26] M.M. Smith, J.P. Barber, B.A. Peeni, D. Yin, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Planar fabrication of liquid core optical waveguides and microfluidic devices", 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS 2005), July 21 - 26, 2005, Salt Lake City, Utah.
[25] D. Yin, J. P. Barber, A. R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Fluorescence detection of few molecules with high collection efficiency in ARROWs", Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, MD, May 22-27 2005.
[24] J. P. Barber, D. B. Conkey, M. M. Smith, J. R. Lee, B. A. Peeni, Z. A. George, A. R. Hawkins, D. Yin and H. Schmidt, "Hollow waveguides on planar substrates with selectable geometry cores", Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, MD, May 22-27 2005.
[23] D. Yin, J. P. Barber, A. R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Fluorescence detection in integrated intersecting ARROW waveguides with liquid and solid cores", Integrated Photonics Research Conference, San Diego, CA, April 11-14 2005.
[22] J. P. Barber, M. M. Smith, A. R. Hawkins, D. Yin and H. Schmidt, "Integrated hollow and solid-core waveguides for sensor platforms", Integrated Photonics Research Conference, San Diego, CA, April 11-14 2005.
[21] N. Qureshi, A. Hawkins, H. Schmidt, "Near-field Optical Magnetometry and Magnetic Imaging of Nanomagnets", 8th International Symposium on Laser Metrology, 14 - 18 February 2005 Merida, Mexico.
[20] D. Yin, J.P. Barber, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Low loss integrated optical sensors based on hollow core ARROW waveguide", Photonics West, San Jose CA, January 2005.
[19] H. Schmidt, D. Yin, D.W. Deamer, J.P. Barber, and A.R. Hawkins, "Integrated ARROW waveguides for gas/liquid sensing", Invited Talk, SPIE International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, 49th Annual Meeting of the SPIE, Denver, CO, August 2-6, 2004.
[18] H. Schmidt, "Scaling limits for single-photon Kerr phase shifts in integrated EIT", OSA Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting, Waikoloa, HI, August 2-6, 2004.
[17] H. Schmidt, N. Qureshi, and A.R. Hawkins, "Cavity-enhanced magneto-optic imaging of nanomagnetic structures", SPIE International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, 49th Annual Meeting of the SPIE, Denver, CO, August 2-6, 2004.
[16] D. Yin, D.W. Deamer, J.P. Barber, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Integrated biophotonic sensor with single-molecule resolution", Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics, San Francisco, CA, May 16-21, 2004.
[15] H. Schmidt, D. Yin, J.P. Barber, G. Sanber, E. Despain, and A.R. Hawkins, "Integration of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Alkali Atoms on a Semiconductor Chip", International Quantum Electronics Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 16-21, 2004.
[14] D. Yin, J.P. Barber, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Low-loss propagation in hollow ARROW waveguides for optical sensing", Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics, San Francisco, CA, May 16-21, 2004.
[13] P. Measor and H. Schmidt: "Band Offset Determination using quasi-confined quantum well barrier states", 7th International Conference on Intersubband Transitions, Evolene Switzerland, September 1-5, 2003.
[12] N. Qureshi , H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins: "Cavity-enhanced Kerr Effect for Magneto-Optic Spectroscopy of Nanostructures", IEEE Nano-conference, San Francisco CA, August 12-14, 2003.
[11] H. Schmidt, D. Yin and A.R. Hawkins: "Integrated optical spectroscopy of low-index gases and liquids using ARROW waveguides", Technical Digest, Integrated Photonics Research Conefrence, Washington DC, June 16-18, 2003.
[10] Ram RJ. Rana F. Mayer P. Schmidt H., "Cascade semiconductor lasers for telecommunications", SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie - the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.4871, 2002, pp.141-4. USA.
[9] H. Schmidt and R.J. Ram: "Switching fields of nanomagnets in Stoner-Wohlfarth mode: Interplay of crystal and shape anisotropy", 8th joint MMM-Intermag Conference, San Antonio, Texas, January 2001.
[8] D.E. Nikonov, A. Imamoglu, H. Schmidt, and M.O. Scully: "Many-body theory of quantum interference effects in semiconductor quantum well lasers", Technical Digest. Summaries of Papers Presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Conference Edition. 1998 Technical Digest Series, Vol.6 (IEEE Cat. No.98CH36178). Opt. Soc. America. 1998, pp.240. Washington, DC, USA.
[7] R.K. Sink, G. Bahir, A. Abare, H. Schmidt, S.P. Denbaars and J.E. Bowers, "Intersubband absorption measured in InGaN/AlGaN MQW", 1997 Electronic Materials Conference, paper Z9, June 25-27 1997, Fort Collins, Colorado.
[6] H. Schmidt and A. Imamoglu: "Strongly interacting photons using giant chi-3 nonlinearities", 26th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, January 1996.
[5] A. Imamoglu, K. Campman, H. Schmidt, R.J. Ram and A.C. Gossard: "Lasers without inversion in quantum well intersubband transitions", (ICONO 95, Coherent Phenomena and Amplification without Inversion, St. Petersburg, Russia, 27 June - 1 July. 1995) Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1996, vol.2798:205-13.
[4] H. Schmidt and A. Imamoglu: "Giant Kerr-type nonlinearities using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT)", Postdeadline Papers, OSA Summer Topical Meeting, Maui, HI, July 1996.
[3] R.J. Ram, K. Campman, H. Schmidt, A. Imamoglu, A. Gossard and J.E. Bowers: "Intersubband semiconductor lasers without population inversion", Proceedings CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, MD, May 1995
[2] A. Hase, C. Kaden, J. Kovac, V. Hofsäß, H. Schmidt, H. Künzel and H. Schweizer. "Gain coupled AlGaInAs/GaInAs DFB-lasers utilizing gratings by masked implantation enhanced intermixing." IN: Proceedings of 1994 IEEE 6th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM), Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 27-31 March 1994). New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1994. p. 163-6.
[1] J. Kovac, H. Schweizer, H. Schmidt, C. Kaden, M. Klenk, R. Weinmann and E. Zielinski. "Relevant intrinsic parameters for the dynamics of high speed InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum well distributed feedback lasers." (Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 27-28 Jan. 1994) Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1994, vol.2142:348-57.
[1] A. R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt (Eds.), “Handbook of Optofluidics”, CRC Press, 2010. ISBN 9781420093544.
[1] H. Schmidt, “Integrated Optofluidic Waveguides”, in "Handbook of Optofluidics", A. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, eds., CRC Press, (2010).
[2] H. Schmidt, “Liquid-core waveguide sensors”, in "Optical Guided-wave Chemical and Biosensors", M. Zourob, A. Lakhtakia, eds., Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Springer Verlag, (2010).
[3] H. Schmidt and A. Hawkins, “Single molecule analysis with planar optofluidics”, in "Advanced Photonic Structure for Biological and Chemical Sensing", X. Fan, ed., Springer Verlag, ISBN 9780387980607 (2009).
[4] A. Barman and H. Schmidt, “Intrinsic magnetization dynamics of single nanomagnets”, in
"Electromagnetic, Magnetostatic and Exchange Interaction Vortices in Confined Magnetic Structures", E.O. Kamenetskii, ed., Transworld Research Network, ISBN 978-81-7895-373-1 (2008).
[5] H. Schmidt, “On-chip micro-optical detection”, in "Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics", D. Li, ed., Springer, ISBN 0387324682 (2008).
[6] A. Imamoglu, H. Schmidt, R.J. Ram, K. Campman, and A. Gossard: “Electron coherence in quantum Well intersubband transitions” in "Concepts and Advances in Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy of Solids", T.Hakioglu and A.Shumovsky, eds. (Kluwer Academic Publishing), (1997), ISBN 0792344146.
2024[1] M.J.N. Sampad, S.M. Saiduzzaman, Z.J. Walker, T.N. Wells, J.X. Wayment, E.M. Ong, S.D. Mdaki, M.A. Tamhankar, T.D. Yuzvinsky, J.L. Patterson, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Label-free and amplification-free viral RNA quantification from primate biofluids using a trapping-assisted optofluidic nanopore platform", PNAS 121, e2400203121 (2024)
[2] T.N. Wells, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Constrained Volume Micro- and Nanoparticle Collection Methods in Microfluidic Systems ", Micromachines 15, 699 (2024)
[3] S. Walker, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Air Core ARROW Waveguides Fabricated in a Membrane Covered Trench", Photonics 11, 502 (2024)
[4] T. Sano, M.J.N. Sampad, J. Gonzalez-Ferrer, S. Hernandez, S. Vera-Choqqueccota, P.A. Vargas, R. Urcuyo, N.M. Duran, M. Teodorescu, D. Haussler, H. Schmidt and M.A. Mostajo-Radji, "Internet-enabled lab-on-a-chip technology for education", Scientific Reports 14, 14364 (2024)
[5] M.N. Amin, V. Ganjalizadeh, T.J. Adams, P.B. Dixon, Z. Weber, M. DeMartino, K. Bundy, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Multi-mode interference waveguide chip-scale spectrometer", APL Photonics 9, 100802 (2024)
[6] M.N. Amin, H. Ramollari, T.D. Yuzvinsky, Z. Weber, T.J. Adams, P.B. Dixon, K. Bundy, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt "Multi-mode interference waveguide spectrometer with optimized performance", Opt. Express 32, 45873-45883 (2024)
2023[1] S. Kim, Y. Guo, W. Yang, T. Joshi, D. Lederman, and H. Schmidt, "Magnetization dynamics of a CoFe/Co2MnSi magnetic bilayer structure", J. Appl. Phys. 133, 093902 (2023)
[2] V. Ganjalizadeh, G.G. Meena, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Machine learning at the edge for AI-enabled multiplexed pathogen detection", Sci. Rep. 13, 4744 (2023)
[3] M. Hamblin, J. Wright, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Comparison of Illumination Methods for Flow-Through Optofluidic Biosensors", Micromachines 14, 723 (2023).
[4] V. Ganjalizadeh, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Adaptive time modulation technique for multiplexed on-chip particle detection across scales", Optica 10, 812-818 (2023)
[5] T. Sano, R. Losakul, and H. Schmidt, "Dual optofluidic distributed feedback dye lasers for multiplexed biosensing applications", Sci. Rep. 13, 16824 (2023)
[6] T. Wells, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Nano/microfluidic device for high-throughput passive trapping of nanoparticles", Biomicrofluidics 17, 064101 (2023)
2022[1] V. Ganjalizadeh, G.G. Meena, T.A. Wall, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Fast custom wavelet analysis technique for single molecule detection and identification", Nature Comm. 13, 1035 (2022)
[2] Z.J. Walker, T. Wells, E. Belliston, S. Romney, S.B. Walker, M.J.N. Sampad, S.M. Saiduzzaman, R. Losakul, H. Schmidt and A.R. Hawkins, "Optofluidic Particle Manipulation Platform with Nanomembrane", Micromachines 13, 721 (2022)
[3] T.T. Sano, H. Zhang, R. Losakul, and H. Schmidt, "All-in-one optofluidic chip for molecular biosensing assays", Biosensors 12, 501 (2022)
[4] Z.J. Walker, T. Wells, E. Belliston, S.B. Walker, C. Zeller, M.J.N. Sampad, S. M. Saiduzzaman, H. Schmidtm and A.R. Hawkins, "Optofluidic Particle Manipulation: Optical Trapping in a Thin-Membrane Microchannel", Biosensors 12, 690 (2022)
2021[1] A. Stambaugh, J.W. Parks, M.A. Stott, G.G. Meena, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic multiplex detection of single SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A antigens using a novel bright fluorescent probe assay", PNAS 118, e2103480118 (2021)
[2] G. Meena, J.G. Wright, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Greatly Enhanced Single Particle Fluorescence Detection Using High Refractive Index Liquid-Core Waveguides", IEEE J. Selected Topics Quantum Electronics 27, 6900407 (2021)
[3] J.G. Wright, Md.N. Amin, G. Meena, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins "Optofluidic Flow-Through Biosensor Sensitivity – Model and Experiment", IEEE J. Lightwave Technology 39, 3330-3340 (2021)
[4] W.-G. Yang and H. Schmidt, "Acoustic control of magnetism toward energy-efficient applications", Appl. Phys. Rev. 8, 021304 (2021)
[5] M.N. Amin, V. Ganjalizadeh, M. Hamblin, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Free-Space Excitation of Optofluidic Devices for Pattern-Based Single Particle Detection", IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett., DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2021.3069673 (2021)
[6] M. Rahman, M.J.N. Sampad, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Recent advances in integrated solid-state nanopore sensors", Lab Chip, 2021, 21, 3030 - 3052
[7] J.G. Wright, Jr., M.N. Amin, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Performance Comparison of Flow-Through Optofluidic Biosensor Designs", Biosensors 2021, 11(7), 226
[8] G.G. Meena, A.M. Stambaugh, V. Ganjalizadeh, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Ultrasensitive detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and antigen using single-molecule optofluidic chip", APL Photonics 6, 066101 (2021)
[9] M.J.N. Sampad, H. Zhang, T.D. Yuzvinsky, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optical trapping assisted label-free and amplification-free detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNAs with an optofluidic nanopore sensor", Biosensors and Bioelectronics 194, 113588 (2021)
[10] B.L. Gerard, R. Jensen-Clem, D. Dillon, S. Cetre, J. Fowler, P. Hinz, M. van Kooten, R. Kupke, T.D. Yuzvinsky, and H. Schmidt, "First experimental results of the fast atmospheric self-coherent camera technique on the Santa Cruz extreme adaptive optics laboratory testbed", Proc. SPIE 11823, Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets X, 93711O (2021)
[11] M.J.N. Sampad, M.N. Amin, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "FPGA Integrated Optofluidic Biosensor for Real-time Single Biomarker Analysis", IEEE Photonics Journal, 10.1109/JPHOT.2021.3127484 (2021)
2020[1] E. Hamilton, V. Ganjalizadeh, J. Wright, H. Schmidt, and A. Hawkins, "3D Hydrodynamic Focusing in Microscale Optofluidic Channels Formed with a Single Sacrificial Layer", Micromachines 11, 349 (2020)
[2] W.-G. Yang and H. Schmidt, "Greatly enhanced magneto-optic detection of single nanomagnets using focused magnetoelastic excitation", Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 212401 (2020)
[3] M. Jaris, W.-G. Yang, C. Berk, and H. Schmidt, "Towards ultraefficient nanoscale straintronic microwave devices", Phys. Rev. B 101, 214421 (2020)
[4] Z. Walker, T. Wells, K. Lay, S. Neyen, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Solid-State Membranes Formed on Natural Menisci", Nanotechnology 31, 445303 (2020)
[5] J. Wright, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, ”Effects of Post-Etch Microstructures on the Optical Transmittance of Silica Ridge Waveguides”, IEEE J. Lightwave Technol. DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2020.3012899 (2020)
[6] G. Meena, T.A. Wall, M.A. Stott, O. Brown, R. Robison, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "7X multiplexed, optofluidic detection of nucleic acids for antibiotic-resistance bacterial screening", Optics Express 28, 3019-33027 (2020)
[7] A. Stambaugh, M.A. Stott, G.G. Meena, M. Tamhankar, R. Carrion Jr., J.L. Patterson, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic Amplification-free Multiplex Detection of Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers", IEEE J. Selected Topics Quantum Electronics 27, 7200206 (2020)
[8] G. Meena, R.L. Hanson, R.L. Wood, O.T. Brown, M.A. Stott, R.A. Robison, W.G. Pitt, A.T. Woolley, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "3X multiplexed detection of antibiotic resistant plasmids with single molecule sensitivity", Lab Chip 28, 33019-33027 (2020)
[9] T. Sano, J. Black, S. Mitchell, H. Zhang, and H. Schmidt, "Pneumatically tunable optofluidic DFB dye laser using corrugated sidewalls", Optics Letters 45, 5978-5981 (2020)
[10] C.R. Berk and H. Schmidt, "A Quantum Tango between Magnons and Phonons", Physics 13, 167 (2020)
2019[1] J.A. Black, E. Hamilton, R.A. Reyes Hueros, J.W. Parks, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Enhanced Detection of Single Viruses On-Chip via Hydrodynamic Focusing", IEEE J. of Sel. Top. in Quant. Elec. 25, 7201206 (2019).
[2] M. Hamblin, T. Downing, S. Anderson, A. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "A broadband anti-reflective light blocking layer using nano-particle suspension in photoresist with high resolution patterning", Journal of Micro/ Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, doi: 10.1117/1.JMM.18.1.015501 (2019).
[3] C. Berk, F. Ganss, M. Jaris, M. Albrecht, and H. Schmidt, "All-Optical Multi-Pulse Pump-Probe Method for Selective Control of Magnetization Precessions in Magnetic Multilayers", IEEE J. Sel. Topics Qu. Elec., 25, 8800205 (2019).
[4] W. G. Yang, M. Jaris, C. Berk, and H. Schmidt, "Preferential excitation of a single nanomagnet using magnetoelastic coupling", Phys. Rev. B. 99, 104434 (2019).
[5] C. Berk, M. Jaris, W. Yang, S. Dhuey, S. Cabrini, and H. Schmidt, "Strongly Coupled Magnon-Phonon Dynamics in a Single Nanomagnet", Nature Comm. 10, 2652 (2019).
[6] M. Rahman, M.A. Stott, M. Harrington, Y. Li, M.J.N. Sampad, L. Lancaster, T.D. Yuzvinsky, H.F. Noller, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "On demand delivery and analysis of single molecules on a programmable nanopore-optofluidic device", Nature Comm. 10, 3712 (2019).
[7] M. Rahman, M. Harrington, M. A. Stott, Y. Li, M. J. N. Sampad, T. D. Yuzvinsky, A. R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optical trapping assisted detection rate enhancement of single molecules on a nanopore optofluidic chip", Optica 6, 1130-1131 (2019).
[8] E.S. Hamilton, V. Ganjalizadeh, J.G. Wright, W.G. Pitt, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "3D hydrodynamic focusing in microscale channels formed with two photoresist layers", Microfluid Nanofluid 23: 122 (2019).
2018[1] C. Berk, F. Ganss, M. Jaris, M. Albrecht, and H. Schmidt, "All-Optical Measurement of Interlayer Exchange Coupling in Fe/Pt/FePt Thin Films", Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 052401 (2018).
[2] M.A. Stott, V. Ganjalizadeh, M. Olsen, M. Orfila, J. McMurray, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Optimized ARROW-Based MMI Waveguides for High Fidelity Excitation Patterns for Optofluidic Multiplexing", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 54, 1-7 (2018).
[3] M.A. Stott , V. Ganjalizadeh, G. Meena, J. McMurray, M. Olsen, M. Orfila, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Buried Rib SiO2 Multimode Interference Waveguides for Optofluidic Multiplexing", IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 30, 1487-1490 (2018).
[4] W.G. Yang, M. Jaris, D.L. Hibbard-Lubow, C. Berk, and H. Schmidt, "Magnetoelastic excitation of single nanomagnets for optical measurement of intrinsic Gilbert damping", Phys. Rev. B 97, 224410 (2018).
[5] A. Stambaugh, J.W. Parks, M.A. Stott, G.G. Meena, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic detection of Zika nucleic acid and protein biomarkers using multimode interference multiplexing", Biomedical Optics Express 9, 3725-3730 (2018).
[6] J.A. Black, V. Ganjalizadeh, J.W. Parks, and H. Schmidt, "Multi-channel velocity multiplexing of single virus detection on an optofluidic chip", Optics Letters 43, 4425-4428 (2018).
[7] P. Graczyk, M.Krawczyk, S. Dhuey, W. Yang, H. Schmidt, and G. Gubbiotti, "Magnonic band gap and mode hybridization in continuous permalloy films induced by vertical dynamic coupling with an array of permalloy ellipses", Physical Review B 98, 17442 (2018).
[8] G.G. Meena, A. Jain, J.W. Parks, A.Stambaugh, J.L. Patterson, A.R. Hawkin and H. Schmidt, "Integration of sample preparation and analysis into an optofluidic chip for multi-target disease detection", Lab Chip 18, 3678-3686 (2018).
[9] M. Rahman, M.A. Stott, Y. Li, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Single-particle analysis with 2D electro-optical trapping on an integrated optofluidic device", Optica 5, 1311-1314 (2018).
2017[1] K. Du, H. Cai, M. Park, T. Wall, M. Stott, K. Alfson, A. Griffiths, R. Carrion, J.L. Patterson, A.R. Hawkins, H. Schmidt, and R.A. Mathies, "Multiplexed Efficient On-Chip Sample Preparation and Sensitive Amplification-Free Detection of Ebola Virus", Biosensors Bioelectronics 91, 489–496 (2017).
[2] D. Ozcelik, H. Cai, K.D. Leake, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic bioanalysis: Fundamentals and applications", Nanophotonics, doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2016-0156 (2017).
[3] M. Girard-Carrier, T. Decker, J.A. Black, J. McClellan, L. Bennett, S. Almquist, H. Schmidt and A.R. Hawkins, "Temperature and wall coating dependence of alkali vapor transport speed in micron-scale capillaries", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 35, 031602 (2017).
[4] Y. Yahagi, C. Berk, B. Hebler, S. Dhuey, S. Cabrini, M. Albrecht, and H. Schmidt, "Optical measurement of damping in nanomagnet arrays using magnetoelastically driven resonances", J. Phys. D 50, 17LT01 (2017). Also see the viewpoint by A. Berger.
[5] T. Wall, S. Hammon, E. Hamilton, G. Zacheu, M. Orfila, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Mitigating water absorption in waveguides made from unannealed PECVD SiO2", IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 29, 806-809 (2017).
[6] M. Jaris, D. Lau, V. Sokalski, and H. Schmidt, "Magnetization Dynamics and Damping Behavior of Co/Ni Multilayers with a Graded Ta Capping Layer", J. Appl. Phys. 121, 163903 (2017).
[7] P. Minzioni, R. Osellame, C. Sada, S. Zhao, F. Omenetto, K. Gylfason, T. Haraldsson, Y. Zhang, A. Ozcan, A. Wax, F. Mugele, H. Schmidt, G. Testa, R. Bernini, J. Guck, C. Liberale, K. Berg-Sorensen, J. Chen, M. Pollnau, S. Xiong, A. Liu, C. Shiue, S. Fan, D. Erickson, and D. Sinton, "Roadmap on Optofluidics", Journal of Optics JOPT-104195.R1 (2017).
[8] T. Wall, J. McMurray, G. Meena, V. Ganjalizadeh, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Optofluidic Lab-on-a-Chip Fluorescence Sensor Using Integrated Buried ARROW (bARROW) Waveguides", Micromachines 8, 252-260 (2017).
[9] D. Ozcelik, A. Jain, A. Stambaugh, M.A. Stott, J.W. Parks, A. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Scalable Spatial-Spectral Multiplexing of Single-Virus Detection Using Multimode Interference Waveguides", Scientific Reports 7, 12199 (2017).
[10] K. Du, M. Park, A. Griffiths, R. Carrion, J. Patterson, H. Schmidt, and R. Mathies, "Microfluidic System for Detection of Viral RNA in Blood Using a Barcode Fluorescence Reporter and a Photocleavable Capture Probe", Analytical Chemistry Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b03527 (2017).
2016[1] J.W. Parks and H. Schmidt, "Flexible optofluidic waveguide platform with multi-dimensional reconfigurability", Scientific Reports 6, 33008 (2016).
[2] S. Liu, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic devices with integrated solid-state nanopores", Microchimica Acta 183, 1275 (2016).
[3] D. Ozcelik, M.A. Stott, J.W. Parks, J.A. Black, T.A. Wall, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Signal-to-noise enhancement in optical detection of single viruses with multi-spot excitation", IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Elec. 22, 4402406 (2016).
[4] J.W. Parks, T.A. Wall, H. Cai, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Enhancement of ARROW Photonic Device Performance via Thermal Annealing of PECVD-based SiO2 Waveguides", IEEE J. Sel. Topics Qu. Elec. 22, 249-254 (2016).
[5] M. Girard-Carrier, C. Hill, T. Decker, J.A. Black, S. Almquist, H. Schmidt and A.R. Hawkins, "Non-diffusive Rubidium Vapor Transport in Confined Glass Channels", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 34, 031602 (2016).
[6] H. Schmidt and A.R. Hawkins, "Single-virus analysis through chip-based optical detection", Bioanalysis 8, 867-870 (2016).
[7] T.A. Wall, R. Chu, J.W. Parks, D. Ozcelik, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Improved environmental stability for PECVD SiO2 waveguides using buried channel designs", Opt. Eng. 55, 040501 (2016).
[8] M. Giraud-Carrier, C. Hill, T. Decker, J. A. Black, H. Schmidt, and A. R. Hawkins, "Perforated hollow-core optical waveguides for on-chip atomic spectroscopy and gas sensing", Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 131105 (2016).
[9] M. A. Stott, J. A. Black, E. Hamilton, H. Schmidt, and A. R. Hawkins, "Optimization of Y-splitting antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides-based rib waveguides", Opt. Eng. 55, 100505 (2016).
[10] M. Jaris, Y. Yahagi, B. K. Mahato, S. Dhuey, S. Cabrini, V. Nikitin, J. Stout, A. R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Intrinsic spin dynamics in optically excited nanoscale magnetic tunnel junction arrays restored by dielectric coating", Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 202403 (2016).
[11] C. Berk, Y. Yahagi, S. Dhuey, S. Cabrini and H. Schmidt, "Controlling the influence of elastic eigenmodes on nanomagnet dynamics through pattern geometry", J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 426, 239-244 (2016).
[12] H. Cai, M. A. Stott, D. Ozcelik, J. W. Parks, A. R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "On-chip wavelength multiplexed detection of cancer DNA biomarkers in blood", Biomicrofluidics 10, 064116 (2016).
2015[1] S. Liu, T.A. Wall, D. Ozcelik, J.W. Parks, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Electro-optical detection of single λ-DNA", Chemical Communications 51, 2084 (2015).
[2] Y. Yahagi, B. Harteneck, S. Cabrini, and H. Schmidt, "Control of the magnetization dynamics in patterned nanostructures with magnetoelastic coupling", Proc. SPIE 9371, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures V, 93711O (2015).
[3] J.A. Black, M. Giraud-Carrier, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Recent progress in waveguide-based atom photonics", Proc. SPIE 9378, Slow Light, Fast Light, and Opto-Atomic Precision Metrology VIII, 937803 (2015).
[4] S. Liu, Y. Zhao, M. Stott, J.W. Parks, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Electro-Optical Detection of Single Nanoparticles on a Nanopore-Optofluidic Chip", MRS Proceedings 1720, 954 (2015).
[5] T.A. Wall, J. Parks, K.D. Leake, H. Schmidt and A.R. Hawkins, "Optofluidic Waveguiding for Biomedical Sensing", MRS Proceedings 1720, 953 (2015).
[6] H. Cai, J. W. Parks, T. A. Wall, M. A. Stott, A. Stambaugh, K. Alfson, A. Griffiths, R. A. Mathies, R. Carrion, J. L. Patterson, A. R. Hawkins & H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic analysis system for amplification-free, direct detection of Ebola infection", Scientific Reports 5, 14494 (2015).
[7] D. Ozcelik, J.W. Parks, T.A. Wall, M.A. Stott, H. Cai, J.W. Parks, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic wavelength division multiplexing for single-virus detection", PNAS 112, 12933 (2015).
[8] K.D. Leake, M.A.B. Olson, D. Ozcelik, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Spectrally reconfigurable integrated multi-spot particle trap", Optics Letters 40, 5435-5438 (2015).
2014[1] S. Liu, Y. Zhao, J.W. Parks, D.W. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Correlated Electrical and Optical Analysis of Single Nanoparticles and Biomolecules on a Nanopore-Gated Optofluidic Chip", Nano Letters, 14, 4816-4820 (2014).
[2] J.A. Black and H. Schmidt, "Atomic cooling via AC Stark shift", Optics Letters, 39, 536-539 (2014).
[3] Y. Yahagi, C.R. Berk, B.D. Harteneck, S.D. Cabrini, and H. Schmidt, "Dynamic separation of nanomagnet sublattices by orientation of elliptical elements", Applied Phyics Letters, 104, 162406 (2014).
[4] J.W. Parks, M.A. Olson, J. Kim, D. Ozcelik, H. Cai, R. Carrion Jr., J.L. Patterson, R.A. Mathies, A. R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Integration of programmable microfluidics and on-chip fluorescence detection for biosensing applications", Biomicrofluidics, 8, 054111 (2014).
[5] Y. Yahagi, B. Harteneck, S. Cabrini, and H. Schmidt, "Controlling nanomagnet magnetization dynamics via magnetoelastic coupling", Physical Review B 90, 140405 (2014).
2013[1] K.D. Leake, B.S. Phillips, T.D. Yuzvinsky, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optical particle sorting on an optofluidic chip", Optics Express, 21, 32605–32610 (2013). Also selected for the February 11, 2014 issue of the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, (http://vjbo.osa.org/).
[2] J.W. Parks, H. Cai, L. Zempoaltecatl, T.D. Yuzvinsky, K. Leake, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Hybrid optofluidic integration", Lab on a Chip, 13, 4118-4123 (2013).
[3] S. Liu, T.D. Yuzvinsky, and H. Schmidt, "Effect of Fabrication-Dependent Shape and Composition of Solid-State Nanopores on Single Nanoparticle Detection", ACS Nano, 7, 5621-5627 (2013).
[4] K.D. Leake, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "All-optical particle trap using orthogonally intersecting beams", Photonics Research, 1, 47-51 (2013).
[5] R. Brandt, R. Rückriem, D. A. Gilbert, F. Ganss, T. Senn, Kai Liu, M. Albrecht, and H. Schmidt, "Size-dependent magnetization switching characteristics and spin wave modes of FePt nanostructures", Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 203910 (2013).
[6] J.F. Hulbert, M.Giruad-Carrier, T. Wall, A.R. Hawkins, S. Bergeson, J. Black, and H. Schmidt, "Versatile Rb vapor cells with long lifetimes", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 31, 033001 (2013).
[1] R. Brandt, F. Ganss, R. Rückriem, T. Senn, C. Brombacher, P. Krone, M. Albrecht, and H. Schmidt, "Three-dimensional shape dependence of spin wave modes in single FePt nanomagnets", Phys. Rev. B, 86, 094426 (2012).
[6]B.S. Phillips, P. Measor, Y. Zhao, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Optofluidic notch filter integration by lift-off of thin films", Optics Express, 18, 4790 (2010). also selected for the April 8, 2010 issue of the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, http://www.opticsinfobase.org/vjbo/virtual_issue.cfm).
[7] S. Kühn, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Philips, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Ultralow power trapping and fluorescence detection of single particles on an optofluidic chip”, Lab Chip 10, 189 (2010).
[1] S. Kühn, P. Measor, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Phillips, D.W. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Loss-based optical trap for on-chip particle analysis", Lab on Chip, 9, 2212 (2009).
[2] S. Kühn, P. Measor, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Phillips, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic particle concentration by a long-range dual-beam trap", Optics Letters, 34, 2306-2308 (2009). (also selected for the October 2, 2009 issue of the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, http://vjbo.osa.org/virtual_issue.cfm).
[3] M.I. Rudenko, S. Kühn, E.J. Lunt, D.W. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Ultrasensitive Qβ Phage Analysis Using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy on an Optofluidic Chip", Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24, 3258-3263 (2009).
[4] P. Measor, S. Kühn, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Philips, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Multi-mode mitigation in an optofluidic chip for particle manipulation and sensing”, Optics Express 17, 24342 (2009), (also selected for the January 4, 2010 issue of the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, http://vjbo.osa.org/virtual_issue.cfm).
[1] B. Wu, J.F. Hulbert, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Planar Hollow-core Waveguide Technology for Atomic Spectroscopy and Quantum Interference in Alkali Vapors", Journal of Lightwave Technology, 26, 3727-3733 (2008).
[2] E.J. Lunt, P. Measor, B.S. Phillips, S. Kühn, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Improving solid to hollow core transmission for integrated ARROW waveguides" Optics Express, 16, 20981-20986 (2008). (also selected for the February 10, 2009 issue of the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, http://vjbo.osa.org/virtual_issue.cfm).
[3] P. Measor, S. Kühn, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Phillips, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Hollow-core Waveguide Characterization by Optically Induced Particle Transport", Optics Letters, 33, 672-674 (2008). (also selected for the May 27, 2008 issue of the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, http://vjbo.osa.org/virtual_issue.cfm).
[4] H. Schmidt and A.R. Hawkins, "Optofluidic waveguides: I. Concepts and implementations," Invited review, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 4, 3-16 (2008).
[5] A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Optofluidic waveguides: II. Fabrication and structures," Invited review, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 4, 17-32 (2008).
[6] M.I. Rudenko, S. Kühn, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Phillips, D.W. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy of single molecules on an optofluidic chip", Proc. SPIE 6898, 689819 (2008).
[7] B. Wu, J. Hulbert, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Quantum interference effects in rubidium vapor on a chip", Proc. SPIE 6904, 69040E (2008).
[8] J.F. Hulbert, B.T. Carroll, A.R. Hawkins, B. Wu, and H. Schmidt, "Sealing techniques for on-chip atomic vapor cells", Proc. SPIE 6904, 69040N (2008).
[9] E.J. Lunt, B.S. Phillips, C.J. Jones, A.R. Hawkins, P. Measor, S. Kühn, and H. Schmidt, "Hollow waveguide optimization for fluorescence based detection", Proc. SPIE 6883, 68830H (2008).
[10] A.R. Hawkins, J.F. Hulbert, B.T. Carroll, B. Wu, and H. Schmidt, "Fabrication methods for compact atomic spectroscopy", Proc. SPIE 6898, 689817 (2008).
[1] W. Yang, D.B. Conkey, B. Wu, D. Yin, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Atomic spectroscopy on a chip", Nature Photonics 1, 331 (2007).
[2] D. Yin, E.J. Lunt, M.I. Rudenko, D.W. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Planar optofluidic chip for single particle detection, manipulation, and analysis", Lab on Chip 7, 1171 (2007).
[3] D. Yin, E.J. Lunt, A. Barman, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Microphotonic control of single molecule fluorescence correlation spectroscopy using planar optofluidics" Optics Express 15, 7290 (2007).
[4] S. Wang, A. Barman, J.D. Maas, A.R. Hawkins, S. Kwon, B. Harteneck, S. Cabrini, J. Bokor, and H. Schmidt, "Optimization of nano-magneto-optic sensitivity using dual dielectric layer enhancement", Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 252504 (2007).
[5] P. Measor, L. Seballos, E.J. Lunt, D. Yin, J.Z. Zhang, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "On-chip Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection using integrated liquid-core waveguides", Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 211107 (2007).
[6] A. Barman, S. Wang, J. Maas, A. R. Hawkins, S. Kwon, J. Bokor, A. Liddle, and H. Schmidt, "Size dependent damping in picosecond dynamics of single nanomagnets", Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 202504 (2007).
[7] A. Barman, S. Wang, O. Hellwig, A. Berger, E.E. Fullerton, and H. Schmidt, "Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in high perpendicular anisotropy [Co/Pt]n multilayers", Journal of Applied Physics, 101, 09D102 (2007).
[8] JR Lee, JP Barber, Z George, ML Lee, H Schmidt, and AR Hawkins, "Microchannels with rectangular and arched core shapes fabricated using sacrificial etching", Journal of Micro/Nanolithography 2007, 6:013010.
[9] M.I. Rudenko, D. Yin, M. Holmes, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Integration and characterization of SiN nanopores for single-molecule detection in liquid-core ARROW waveguides", Proceedings of the SPIE, 6444:64440L (2007).
[10] H. Schmidt, W. Yang, B. Wu, D. Yin, D.B. Conkey, J. Hulbert, and A.R. Hawkins, "Rubidium spectroscopy on a chip", Proceedings of the SPIE, 6482:64820P (2007).
[11] U. Hakanson, P. Measor, D. Yin, E. Lunt, A.R. Hawkins, V. Sandoghdar, and H. Schmidt, "Tailoring the transmission of liquid-core waveguides for wavelength filtering on a chip", Proceedings of the SPIE, 6477:647715 (2007).
[12] A.R. Hawkins, E.J. Lunt, M.R. Holmes, B.S. Phillips, D. Yin, M. Rudenko, B. Wu, and H. Schmidt, "Advances in integrated hollow waveguides for on-chip sensors", Proceedings of the SPIE, 6462:64620U (2007).
[13] D.B. Conkey, R.L. Brenning, A.R. Hawkins, W. Yang, B. Wu, and H. Schmidt, "Microfabrication of Integrated Atomic Vapor Cells", Proceedings of the SPIE, 6475:647518 (2007).
[1] A. Barman, S. Wang, J.D. Maas, A.R. Hawkins, S. Kwon, A. Liddle, J. Bokor, and H. Schmidt, "Magneto-optical observation of picosecond dynamics of single nanomagnets", Nano Letters 6, 2939, (2006).
[2] D. Yin, J.P. Barber, D.W. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Single-molecule detection sensitivity using planar integrated optics on a chip", Optics Letters 31, 2136 (2006).
[3] D. Yin, J.P. Barber, E. Lunt, D. Ermolenko, H. Noller, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Planar single-molecule sensors based on hollow-core ARROW waveguides", Proceedings of the SPIE, 6125:61250Q (2006).
[4] H. Schmidt, D. Yin, W. Yang, B. Wu, D.B. Conkey, J.P. Barber, and A.R. Hawkins, "Towards integration of quantum interference in alkali atoms on a chip", Proceedings of the SPIE, 6130:613006 (2006).
[5] J.P. Barber, E.J. Lunt, D. Yin, H. Schmidt, and A. R. Hawkins, "Monolithic fabrication of hollow ARROW-based sensors", Proc. SPIE 6110, 61100H (2006).
[6] J.P. Barber, E. Lunt, Z. George, D. Yin, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Integrated Hollow Waveguides with Arch-shaped Cores", Photonics Technology Letters, 18, 28 (2006).
[1] D. Yin, J.P. Barber, E.J. Lunt, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Optical characterization of arch-shaped ARROW waveguides with liquid cores", Optics Express, 13, 10564 (2005).
[2] D. Yin, J.P. Barber, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Waveguide loss optimization in hollow-core ARROW waveguides", Optics Express, 13, 9331 (2005).
[3] D. Yin, J.P. Barber, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Highly efficient fluorescence detection in picoliter volume liquid-core waveguides", Applied Physics Letters, 87, 211111 (2005).
[4] N. Qureshi, S. Wang, M. Lowther, A.R. Hawkins, S. Kwon, B. Hartleneck, and H. Schmidt, "Cavity-enhanced magneto-optical observation of magnetization reversal in individual single-domain nanomagnets", Nano Letters, 5, 1413, (2005).
[5] H. Schmidt, D. Yin, J.P. Barber, and A.R. Hawkins, "Hollow-core waveguides and 2D waveguide arrays for integrated optics of gases and liquids ", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 11, 519 (2005).
[6] N. Qureshi, A. Hawkins, H. Schmidt, "Near-field Optical Magnetometry and Magnetic Imaging of Nanomagnets", Proceedings of the SPIE, 5776, p. 173 (2005).
[7] J.P. Barber, D. B. Conkey, J. R. Lee, N. B. Hubbard, L. L. Howell, D. Yin, H. Schmidt, and A. R. Hawkins, "Fabrication of Hollow Waveguides with Sacrificial Aluminum Cores", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, 363 (2005).
[8] N.B. Hubbard, L.L. Howell, J.P. Barber, D. B. Conkey, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Mechanical models and design rules for on-chip micro-channels with sacrificial cores", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 15, 720, April 2005.
[9] H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, "Electromagnetically induced transparency in alkali atoms integrated on a semiconductor chip", Applied Physics Letters, 86, 032106, (2005).
[1] H. Schmidt, D. Yin, D.W. Deamer, J.P. Barber, and A.R. Hawkins, "Integrated ARROW waveguides for gas/liquid sensing", Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 5515, pp. 67-80, (2004).
[2] N. Qureshi, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Cavity-Enhanced Near-Field Optical Magnetometry ", Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 5515, pp. 42-51, (2004).
[3] N. Qureshi, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, "Cavity enhancement of the magneto-optic Kerr effect for optical studies of magnetic nanostructures", Applied Physics Letters, 85, 431, (2004).
(also selected for the July 26, 2004 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, http://www.vjnano.org).
[4] D. Yin, J.P. Barber, A.R. Hawkins, D.W. Deamer, and H. Schmidt, "Integrated optical waveguides with liquid cores", Applied Physics Letters, 85, 3477, (2004).
[5] D. Yin, J.P. Barber, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, "Integrated ARROW waveguides with hollow cores", Optics Express, 12, 2710, (2004).
[1] H. Schmidt, "Magnetization reversal by coherent rotation in single-domain magnets with arbitrary anisotropy", Journal of Applied Physics, 93, 2107, (2003). (also selected for the February 17, 2003 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, http://www.vjnano.org).
2001 and earlier
[1] H. Schmidt and R.J. Ram, "Coherent magnetization reversal of nanoparticles with crystal and shape anisotropy", Journal of Applied Physics, 89, 507, (2001).
[2] M.C. Abraham, H. Schmidt, T.A. Savas, H.I. Smith, C.A. Ross, and R.J. Ram, "The magnetic properties and interactions of single domain nanomagnets in a periodic array", Journal of Applied Physics, 89, 5667, (2001).
[3] H. Schmidt and R.J. Ram, "All-optical wavelength converter based on electromagnetically induced transparency", Applied Physics Letters, 76, 3173, (2000).
[4] H. Schmidt, A.C. Abare, J.E. Bowers, S. Denbaars, and A. Imamoglu, "Large interband second-order susceptibilities in InGaN/GaN quantum wells", Applied Physics Letters, 75, 3611, (1999).
[5] H. Schmidt, D.E. Nikonov, K.L. Campman, K.D. Maranowski, A.C. Gossard and A. Imamoglu: "Quantum interference in semiconductor quantum wells", Laser Physics, vol. 9, no. 4, 797, (1999).
[6] H. Schmidt and A. Imamoglu: "High-speed properties of a phase-modulation scheme based on electromagnetically induced transparency", Optics Letters, 23, 1007, (1998).
[7] D.E. Nikonov, A. Imamoglu, L.V. Butov, H. Schmidt "Collective intersubband excitations in quantum wells: Coulomb interaction versus subband dispersion", Physical Review Letters, 79, 4633, (1997).
[8] A. Imamoglu, H. Schmidt, G. Woods and M. Deutsch "Strongly interacting photons in a nonlinear cavity", Physical Review Letters, 79, 1467, (1997).
[9] H. Schmidt, K.L. Campman, A.C. Gossard and A. Imamoglu, "Tunneling induced transparency: Fano interference in intersubband transitions", Applied Physics Letters, 70, 3455, (1997).
[10] A. Imamoglu, H. Schmidt, R.J. Ram, K. Campman, and A. Gossard: "Electron coherence in quantum well intersubband transitions" in Concepts and Advances in Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy of Solids, T.Hakioglu and A.S.Shumovsky, eds. (Kluwer Academic Publishing), in press.
[11] H. Schmidt and A. Imamoglu: "Giant Kerr nonlinearities using electromagnetically induced transparency", Optics Letters, 21, 1936-38, (1996).
[12] H. Schmidt and A. Imamoglu: "Nonlinear optical devices based on a transparency in intersubband transitions", Optics Communications, 131, 333-38, (1996).
[13] K. Campman, H. Schmidt, A. Imamoglu and A. Gossard: "Interface roughness broadening in intersubband transitions", Applied Physics Letters, 69, 2554-56, (1996).
[14] A. Imamoglu, K. Campman, H. Schmidt, R.J. Ram, and A. Gossard: "Lasers without inversion in quantum well intersubband transitions" Proceddings of the SPIE, 2798, 205-213 (1996).
[15] J. Kovac, H. Schmidt, C. Kaden, V. Hofsäß, H.P. Gauggel, H. Schweizer, A. Hase and H. Künzel "Picosecond laser dynamics of gain-coupled and index-coupled InGaAs/InGaAlAs quantum well distributed feedback lasers" Applied Physics Letters, 67, 816, (1995).